to the firey pits of hell

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I remember alastor.... I remember...
I remember that I used to lay in your arms...
I remember when we would go for morning walks...
When we would swim in the lake... Sit in the boat... Smell the flowers...
I know you gave me the proper burial...
I know that you love me...
I love you too....

Everything was dark.  You feel like your still laying it the grass. You open your eyes to trees.  " I'm still here?.. " You stand up looking around.  The sky is red.  Everything is red.  " Alastor?... " You call out.  " Alastor?! " You run through the forest calling his name out.  After a while you had to stop.  You put your hand up to a tree and saw that it was grey.  Again. You looked down and saw you are still wearing the dress alastor had made for you.  It still had the bullet hole in it. We're your heart hole is on your chest.  Your the same demon from the dream.  Then you notice that you still have the rose ring alastor had proposed to you with. Tears well up in your eyes,  and you fall to the floor sobbing.  You just wanted to be in his arms. You wanted to kiss him and tell him that you were sorry for leaving.  To tell him how much you loved him. 
It felt like your heart split into two pieces. 
Little black drops of tears slid down your cheeks.  " I'm so sorry alastor... " You whisper.
Soon you get up and walk out of the forest. You reach a large city.  It was odd looking,  different from your town. Bigger then your town.
You walk in seeing if anyone knows where you are. You see many more demons,  in all shapes colors and sizes. 
After a while,  you see a little girl,  you thought that she was very cute,  the way she had Rosey cheeks and long blond hair. You decide to ask her where you were, because she was the least hostile demon here. 
" Excuse me little girl? " You ask.  She looks up at you and her eyes widen with wonder.  " Wow!  Your dress is so pretty! And your hair, I would love hair like that! " She says.  You wonder why on earth a little angel like her was in a place like this.  " Aww thank you little one~ may I ask what this place is? " You ask her smiling warmly.
" Oh!  You must be new here!  Well,  this here is hell! " She says.  " But I don't see why you are here,  your so nice! "
You were shocked.  You sigh,  getting on a knee.  " Well little one,  there are a lot of bad people in this world,  and as nice as I seem,  once the sun goes down I'm a different person. " You say.  " But don't see how you could end up here. "
" Oh!  I was born here! My mommy says I'm the princess of hell! " She says standing up in front of you. Wait,  she is  the daughter of Lucifer?  You smile.
" Heh,  no wonder you look like a little princess~" You say rubbing her head.  She giggles. "What's your name little one?" You ask.  " My name is Charlotte! But you can call me Charlie!" She said smiling.
" Well that is the name of a princess~
I'm (y/n)  (l/n),  pleasure to meet you~" You say.  Charlie jumps up hugging you.  You were shocked,  no one but alastor hugged you,  but you thought it was sweet. 
" Charlotte! " You hear a lady calling. 
" Yes mommy? " Asks Charlie.  You see a lady walk up,  and looking at you.  " Is this a friend of yours Charlotte? "She asks. You stand up putting your hand out.  " Hello mam,  I'm (y/n)  (l/n).  I was asking your daughter where I was,  I just got here. " You say.  She smirks shaking your hand.  " Lilith. Pleasure to meet you. So you are that feared serial killer with that other lad?  How did you die? " She asks.  " Wait,  you know who I am? " You ask.  She nods.  You get a bit anxious remember the last words you heard alastor say to you before you took your last breath.  " I understand that it was hard. Would you like to discuss it over dinner? " Lilith asks you.  " Well I don't want to be a bother mam. " You say.  " Nonsense,  it would be an honor miss (y/n).  Lucifer would be happy to see you as well~"
" Well,  ok I suppose. " You say with a nervous smile.  " Yay! " Yells Charlie,  hugging your leg.  So small.. ~ you think.  " Splendid!  Follow me! " She says,  starting to walk down the street.  You follow behind her,  as she makes small talk.  You can't get alastor off your mind,  the words he last said to you.  You can feel your eyes water up,  but you shake it off.  Soon,  you reach a very large house,  bigger then alastors.  Castle like even.  The three of you walk in the gate way,  and you see a man with ghost white skin and Rosey cheeks come out.  He had blond hair like Charlie,  and a wicked smile. 
" Hello my dears~ who is this? " He says smiling at you. 
" Why,  this is that (y/n)  (l/n)  we see in the killing papers!  Alastor has not come down here yet,  but I invited her hear to tell the story of her death! " Said Lilith. Lucifer's smile widen walking up to you shaking your hand.  " Well come to hell (y/n)~" He says.
You smile nervously,  as you walk into there home.  They start to tell servents to prepare dinner,  but they were surprisingly polite to them.  You liked that considering that you were once a slave.  You entered the dining room and sat down. 
" So tell us your story (y/n) ~ " Lucifer says.  You sigh sadly and start to tell your story.  They seemed very interested in it.  Asking how a person who gave their life for there loved one,  and end up in hell.  Probably because of all the people your murdered. 
After your food was in front of you and you finished your tale, you wipe a tear away from your eye thinking about alastor.  Like all the pain in your past was nothing compared to what you did to save your dear alastor. 
" I am quite sorry for you. " Said Lilith,  taking a bite of her food. 
" I-its alright... I did the right thing for him... I just hope I did not hurt him to badly... " You say.  Charlie hops out of her chair and goes over to hug you.  You smile sadly and Pat her  head. 
" So your last words to him,  they were the song you sung him when he was feeling down? " Lucifer asks. You nod your head taking a sip of water. 
" May you sing it for us? " He asks.
You almost choke on your water and look at him. 
" Um.. O-ok.. " You say clearing your throat. You begin to sing.
" Are you,  are you,  coming to the tree.. They strung up a man,  they say who murdered three... Strange things did happen here,  no stranger would it be... If we met at mid,  night in the hanging tree...
Are you,  are you,  coming to the tree... Where dead men call out,  for his love to flee... Strange things did happen here,  no stranger would it be... If we met at mid,  night in the hanging tree..."
As you were about to continue,  you noticed that they all stared blankly in front of them,  like there zoning out.  All the maids are doing it too. 
" Um,  are you ok? " You ask.  No answer. You get ready to snap your fingers,  and you flex your hand like you always do.  When your hand flexes,  it feels like electricity is buzzing your bones.  You snap your fingers.  The lights flicker,  and everyone in the room regains there senses. 
" What on earth happened? " Asks Lilith holding her head. 
" I do believe when she sang,  it put us in a trance. " Said Lucifer. 
You were shocked. 
I can hypnotize people by singing?  You thought.
" I-im so sorry,  I didn't mean t-" You were cut off by Lucifer putting his hand up.  " It is quite alright~ but with that,  and the other things you my possess,  you could become feared down here in hell. " He says. 
After a few hours of talking,  you tell them you should leave now.  They were kind enough to give you some money for food and what not.  You thanked them all before you left. 
Who knew the king of hell would be so kind to you? 
But in your heart,  you knew this place could only look like home if alastor was here.  You feel a year trickle down your cheek. 
" I miss you so much alastor... " You say softly. 

the music demon and radio demon ( alastor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now