Chp 19

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Michael's POV
     Rehearsal went as good as a rehearsal could get. I mean I've been performing since the age of 5. It becomes redundant after like 40 odd years. But practice makes perfect. You can never be too good at your own craft. There will forever be room for improvement. I'm also in the works of making a new album. It's in its final stages. My hopes are that this one will surpass Thriller. I wish I hadn't set the bar so high so early on in my career. I've spent the last few decades trying to beat my own record. But this one might just be it. Then again, I thought that about every album after Thriller. I guess only time will tell.
     I was exhausted and hungry. I wanted nothing more than some fried chicken and my bed. I called Grace every hour to see how the kids were doing. Mia is being difficult, Paris is out doing God knows what, and Prince and Blanket are fighting. Yup. Nothing out of the ordinary. It was about an hour drive from rehearsal to home. At some point, I had fallen asleep and was awakened by my driver once we arrived. Well, at least I squeezed in a power nap before I deal with my little monsters.
     It was starting to get dark outside now. The sun was setting, and Neverland looked as serene as it did the first day I stepped foot on this property. I will never get tired of this place. I took in the view for a few moments before stepping into the house. The trees, the sky, the flowers, and the beautiful mountains in the far distance always made me feel happy. Nature is a gift from God, I wish more people knew how to take care of it.
     I stepped into the house and was welcomed by complete chaos. Prince and Blanket were wrestling in the kitchen. I could hear Mia screaming at Grace upstairs, refusing to take her bath. And no sign of Paris. Ahh home sweet home. "Hey!" I screamed at Prince and Blanket. "Knock it off!" Both my boys immediately stopped and started screaming their own versions of what went down.
     "One at a time boys," I said.
     "Blanket said I couldn't poke his forehead 3 times in a row. I said I could. He didn't believe me. So I had to prove it to him. But then he got angry that I poked his forehead so he pushed me. And so then yeah," Prince claimed. They both stared at me waiting for a reply. I stared right back at them. What the actual fuck.
     "I'm sorry... WHAT?" I asked confused out of my mind. "This is what you two are fighting about?" I asked in disbelief. Why are boys so weird?
     "Yeah," Blanket chimed in. Too tired to lecture them on their stupidity, I simply shook my head in disappointment.
     "Well cut it out. You two are far too old to be fighting each other over something like this. Blanket are you done with your homework?" I asked. He stared at me blankly, which gave me my answer. "Go work on it. Now," I said sternly. As he made his way towards the stairs, I turned to Prince. "You," I said pointing at him. "Did you clean your room yet?"
     "Yes," he said a little too quick.
     "So if I go up there right now, everything will be in its place? No dirty socks under the bed?" I questioned. As Prince tried to come up with an answer, I looked around for any signs of Paris. It was getting dark out and I haven't heard from her all day.
     "Well, I didn't exactly check under the bed," he replied. I took a deep breath, tired of these two acting like little kids.
     "Prince. You're grown. Why do I still have to tell you these things?" I asked annoyed. "Go get it done please." Prince ran up the stairs at my command as I made my way to the fridge. I was starving at this point. I could still hear Mia giving Grace a hard time. Ugh. Food first I decided. Mia's yelling got louder. Ok maybe just a quick snack.
     As I was about to pop a strawberry in my mouth, the intercom from the security office rang. I answered it hoping it was something that I could deal with later. "Yes Brandon?" I asked the guard on duty tonight.
     "Sir there's a Emily Gonzalez at the gate. She's here to see you. She's saying she has an appointment with you about some therapy session," he informed me. Shit. I forgot all about Mia's therapy session. And this girl still hasn't gone into her bath. I ran my hands through my curls, tired out of my mind.
     "Let her through," I said. I have to get Mia ready for her first session. I ran up the stairs, preparing to put the fear of God in Mia's head. This girl is such an angel when I'm at home. But the second I leave, she starts acting out. I open the door to her room, to find Grace exhausted and Mia with her arms crossed on the bed. I look over at Grace sympathetically. "I got this. Thank you as always Grace," I said. She smiles and steps out of the room.
     I turn my attention towards my little troublemaker. "Hi Daddy," she squeaks. I look at her disapprovingly. Her hair was in a tangled mess. Food crumbs around her mouth. Her shirt stained from what looks like paint. Yeah, she needed a bath. Asap.
     "Girlll," I let out a deep sigh to calm myself down. "I'm gonna call Grace back in here. And if you know what's good for you young lady, you are you gonna let her help you take a bath and change your bandages. And you will APOLOGIZE for giving her a hard time. Do you understand me?" I lectured. Mia stared at me blankly. "Do you understand me?!!!" I yelled. She slowly nodded her head yes. "Come down as soon as you're done ok? Your new therapist is here," I said gently this time. Before she could try to sway me with her pleads, I turned around and exited the room.
     Grace was waiting outside the room. "Would you please go back in there and help her out Grace. I promise she won't be giving you a hard time. And I'm really sorry for how she's been acting. Truly," I apologized. Grace smiled and nodded before she entered the room. I made my way downstairs to greet Emily and have a few words with her before Mia joined us. As I went down the stairs, all I could think was where the hell is Paris?!?!

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