Chp 69

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Michael's POV
The last few weeks have been nothing less than an emotional roller coaster. Paris is finally home, Prince is graduating from college today, and Blanket is off to college in 2 months. As for my little Mia, next month is her birthday. Time is flying. I still can't believe my eldest is about to be a college graduate. It feels like it was just yesterday when I laid my eyes on him for the first time. Now, he's a man. An educated man with a degree. I couldn't be any happier.
Paris is back and she's clean. She finally got rid of that boyfriend of hers. She has a therapist and shes making gradual progress. That's all I can ask for. I can't help but feel guilty for not nipping this in the bud from the very beginning. But as we discussed in therapy, there's nothing we can do about the past. We can only work on our futures. I'm trying my best to stay positive for my own sanity.
     Blanket's following in his big brother's footsteps. He'll be attending the same college as Prince. It's crazy to think about how big my little baby has gotten. I know Mia is my youngest now, but for years Blanket was my baby. My little twin. Now he's about to go to college. It's exciting but scary at the same time.
     Prince is moving within the next few months. He's ready to be a grownup and I can't exactly disagree. A parent is never truly ready for his baby to leave the house, but they know when the child is ready. And Blanket will be dorming. It's so hard for me to let go, but I want him to experience life outside of my bubble. It's gonna be hard as hell, but it's necessary.
     As for Paris, she is with me at least till she's 1 year sober. That was the agreement she and I made at therapy. After this summer, it'll just be my girls and I. Lord help me. Don't get me wrong, Paris and Mia are my life. All my babies are. But these girls know how to drive me crazy. I'm overprotective and they're rambunctious, with a dash rebellion. So you can already imagine how that irks me to my core.
     A prime example will be right now. We're getting ready for Prince's graduation, and Mia wants to be a pain in the ass. We're already running late. The whole family is waiting downstairs. "Mia, I'm not going to say this again. Wipe that makeup off your face, and get your ass down those steps," I warned.
     "I spent a lot of time on my makeup Daddy. Please let me keep it on... just this one time I promise. I'll never put this much on again," Mia pleaded.
     "Little girl, go put on some vaseline and pretend it's lip gloss. I'm done with this conversation. Wipe that mess off your face and come downstairs! You have 5 minutes!" I warned. I left her room agitated. I need to tell Paris to hide her makeup from her sister. In my opinion, 10 is far too young to have a full face of makeup on. I know she likes watching those tutorials and experimenting at home with Paris's makeup. I know Mia thinks I don't know about that, but I caught her once or twice staring at the mirror, trying to get her wings symmetrical. But I'm not letting her walk out of the house looking like she's 10 going on 30.
     Mia finally came downstairs, without a speck of makeup and a giant pout. She's upset but she has to listen to my rules. Mother thinks I'm coddling her, and I think I'm finally realizing that I am. She gives me those puppy dog eyes and I always melt. Spankings sure keep her in line, but I want that to be my last resort. It's time to give her some tough love. Consistent tough love to be exact.
     We all got into our cars and made our way to the ceremony. Now given the media frenzy that comes with anything related to me, my family was given a private section during the ceremony. We had a large group and we didn't want to create any distractions during the ceremony. Everyone got their phones ready to record this big moment. "Michael Joseph Jackson Jr., with a bachelors degree in business administration," the speakers boomed. I couldn't stop the tears.
     We all cheered and clapped. My first born is a college graduate! I can't believe my baby is all grown up. My little boy is a man now. The family met him in a private room to take pictures and wind down. Prince walked into the room and came straight to me. We both embraced each other tight, not wanting to let this moment end. "I'm so proud of Applehead," I said with tears in my eyes. I try not to get emotional in front of the kids, but this was one of my proudest moments. This was better than any moonwalk, better than any award. My baby just graduated.

*Hi guys, I know this was short and kind of shitty

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*Hi guys, I know this was short and kind of shitty. I apologize for taking so long to update the story. Life just got in the way, and to be completely honest, I lost some motivation. But I want to change that and I want to make an effort. Please bear with me, I'll try to update as soon as I can. I'm sorry if this chapter was kind of wack. Thank you for reading and making my imagination blossom ♥️*

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