Chp 59

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Paris's POV
I don't understand why Daddy was being so mean to me today. Is it really that wrong of me to want to move out? I'm in my 20's, it's normal for me to want to venture out and just live on my own. Why can't he understand that? And just because I mentioned it, doesn't mean that I was ready to pack and leave right this moment. It was just a thought. He didn't have to blow up on me like that.
I was in my bed, crying and texting my boyfriend. I haven't told anyone in the family about him yet. I didn't want them all to freak out, especially Daddy. If it were up to him, I would never have a boyfriend. Plus, he's quite older than me. I didn't want our age difference to rub Daddy the wrong way. He's genuinely so sweet and he offered me to move in with him, when I told him about the fight during dinner.
I heard my door open and I turned around to see Daddy walking in. A few curls escaped from his ponytail, framing his angry face. Boy, was I about to get it. "Sit up Paris," he said sternly. I groaned and did what I was told. I was in absolutely no mood to fight. His words earlier hurt my feelings and I feel drained at the moment. "You wanna tell me what's going on?" he asked.
     "Nothing is going on... you yelled at me over something small and now I'm dealing with it," I replied with attitude. It's true. I did nothing wrong. Daddy is just being dramatic over something as small as being on my phone.
     "If nothing is going on, why don't you explain your attitude to me? Between you and your sister, I am DONE with the disrespect and attitude in this family. Do you hear me?" he yelled. Great, so now Daddy's taking out his anger over Mia, out on me. "Something's gotta give Paris," he stated.
     "Daddy, I'm not Mia. I can't control what she says or does," I said defensively. "I'm not her keeper!"
"Paris... I- ugh... why can't you follow the rules I have set in place for you and your siblings? I just don't understand. And your answer to being upset with my rules is moving out?" he said with a tinge of sadness in his voice.
"Daddy I'm gonna have to move out some day," I replied. His face looked like I just killed his puppy. Shit.
"I know that babygirl... but I..." he said exasperated. "That's not how you deal with things. You don't make a rash decision to move out just because you don't like being told what to do. And if you would just stop having tantrums like a child, I wouldn't treat you like one," he said with his anger coming back. "Please hand over your phone Paris."
"Wait... what?!" I yelled.
"You heard what I said, hand over your phone," he replied.
"You cannot be serious right now! Did you not hear me say I will move out if you treat me like a child?" I yelled back. I knew fully well I had no intentions of moving out at the moment. But I was hoping that threat would convince him to lay off me for a while.
"Girl I don't think you understood me earlier. If you think you're adult enough to go out in the world and live on your own, I can't stop you. As much as I would hate it, I can't and won't stop you. But as long as you are with me, best believe you WILL follow my rules! Do I make myself clear?" he said raising his voice.
"Dad!" I screamed getting up from my bed. "I'm not giving you my phone. You can't tell me what to do. I'm—" I yelled before I was cut off.
"Let me guess... an adult now?" he scoffed. Why the fuck was he being so cocky? You know what, maybe I will take my boyfriend up on his offer!
"Yes! An adult! And you can't take my phone away!" I said stomping. I guess at this point, I was having a full blown temper tantrum.
"Paris, you're acting more like Mia right now than the adult you claim to be," he stated. "And I suggest you lower that voice. I have other ways of making sure you learn a lesson. And I don't think an adult will appreciate a spanking over her father's knees!" he yelled in my direction.
"SPANKING?! Are you serious right now?!?!" I practically screamed my head off. He slowly got up from my bed and charged in my direction. He swiftly turned me around and landed two hard smacks to my bottom, before making me face him again. I don't know what took over me, but I instantly broke down into sobs over the embarrassment.
"Do you want more or are you going to listen to me?" he asked with his brows furrowed. "You're lack of compassion for your family, disobedience, and that nasty attitude has run its course. I'm sick and tired of it! I've let you get away with a lot with just warnings these past few weeks! But it ends here. So you decide, you want to hand over your phone or get over my knees?"
I hesitantly went over to my bed and got my phone. I handed it over, refusing to look him in the eye. I can't believe he spanked me. I don't even remember the last time he did that. I was probably Mia's age. "I better see some change when you wake up tomorrow. Got it?" he said in a much nicer voice this time. I simply nodded, wanting him to leave my room so I can forget any of this even happened.

Michael's POV
Paris has gotten on my last nerve. She's had the nastiest attitude with her siblings the past two weeks. I let it slide thinking it was regular sibling drama. I gave her a few warnings but nothing changed. She still has Mia running around the hotel room, acting as her personal maid. And that attitude at dinner, God!
     I don't know what's gotten into her, but it has to stop. Maybe I'm just too old now. Between my disobedient 10 year old and my "adult" rebel of a daughter, I feel like I've lost all the tolerance I once had. I've been giving out spankings and warnings much more now, than when my children were younger. It's ridiculous. Most of it is Mia, but now Paris too?
     And now she keeps spewing all this shit about moving out. I pray to God she doesn't catch my bluff. If my little girl moves out because of me, I will seriously lose my shit. I was trying to use this reverse psychology bullshit on her all night, but truth be told, I can't imagine not having my Paris with me. She's not ready yet. She will be one day, but her and I both know now is not the time. She needs to be more sturdy financially and ethically.
     Come to think of it, I haven't given her a surprise drug test in months. What if she's back on drugs? What if that's whats causing her to act out again? Or maybe I'm just being a helicopter parent right now. God, I really feel like I'm losing it. In matter of hours, I went from being in complete bliss to being overwhelmed out of my mind. I need to calm down and get in touch with reality again. I need to talk to someone. Maybe Mother, or Dunk, or even fucking Jermaine at this point! Anyone will do.

Paris's POV
     I've had it with this shithole of a family. I'm done! I'm moving in with Chris, my boyfriend, the second we land in the states. I don't know when or how Daddy started hating me. He doesn't even care if I move out now? I love Mia with all my heart. But I swear, ever since she has joined the family, Daddy has been different. He gives her all his attention and gets super stressed out when she acts out. He spends so much time dealing with a freaking kid, that now he doesn't see the difference between a 10 year old and me. I thought I worked out my feelings about Mia, but I guess not. I can't change how I feel. I love her but I need my space away from "Mia's World."

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