01|This can't be happening

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|Chapter 01|

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|Chapter 01|

|this can't be happening|
° ° ° ° °

The familiar darkness of the clear night sky was calm and not-so-special, exactly like previous nights before. Rune was returning from the bar after work hours, where she was a regular customer for the bittersweet taste of alcohol. Yet sometimes the lone drinker sought a companion within the dark bar, a companion to share the mutual feeling of intoxication. Rune lived alone but during nights that a new friend couldn’t be found, it led to drinking with the sole purpose of wrapping up the cloak of memories of the past.

She drove while humming to a song playing on the radio as the car roared on the charcoal roads of Woodsboro, surrounded by the strangely somber woods. Not a single rustle of leaves or running animals disrupted the wooden soldiers. They were quiet as they were every single day at that same hour of time. Woodsboro was a small town somewhere in the east of Windsor, though it was capable of garnering the attention of the tourists. A place most popular within the small town is The Forest Of Stake, the mysterious woods has been the center of attraction for years.

The woods have been a no-entry zone as the given name was as creepy as the place was terrifying.

A few moments had passed, and Rune arrived at her empty house. She pulled herself out of the car and walked towards the doorway. A chill snaked down her spine as the winter wind blew her dark brown curls in her face. Shivering, she rubbed her arms in a desperate attempt for warmth as she took careful steps towards the front door.

She rolled a sleeve up, revealing the old watch on her fair-skinned wrist. She bent down to pick up the keys placed under the doormat. A very secretive way to hide though very effective in moments like this one.

As she thrust the key inside, turning it sideways the door opened with a squeak. When living alone, she didn't feel frightened of anything but that day, her house was strangely calm and quiet, like the change in atmosphere was alarming her about a danger lurking around. Rune heard a noise from the kitchen which caused her to jump in place, tensing her body in alarm. Taking baby steps cautiously she walked in, took off her blazer and placed it on the couch in the middle of the living room. She strode towards the parted kitchen which was to her left. Without making any noise, she continued to tiptoe to the kitchen entrance. What she saw was unexpected, making her eyes widened for a second and then let out a soft chuckle.

"Oliver," she exclaimed to the dog and lifted him in her arms. "What are you doing boy? Are you that hungry that you couldn't even wait for me?"

Oliver barked following with a whine, licking Rune's nose.

"Awww, you seem so hungry today." She stated the obvious. "Wait, I'll bring you some food. I'm so sorry I forgot to feed you before leaving."

She placed Oliver in the blanket covered basket near the dining table. The small dog was not able to hide his excitement as he jumped and waited for her to arrive back with food from his bed.

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