03|Together, apart

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|Chapter 03|

|together, apart|
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Rune’s foot slammed on the break, having the car stop just in time. Her forehead had merely gotten scratched, but it had caused a headache in the process. She jolted up from her seat and stepped out of the car while catching her balance from the painful pounding of her head. She took careful steps to the front of the car, her heart racing against her rib cage out of fright. Growling was the first thing she heard before stepping closer to the bumper, revealing a cat.

"A cat?" She picked the cat up in her arms. "Have you gotten hurt?"

A louder growl started to erupt from the small animal's throat, it’s fur standing to attention as it’s angry eyes were captivated by the woods behind her. She looked around and saw nothing behind her but silent trees, that is until she saw a dark figure standing behind a tree.

"Who's there," Rune asked the dark figure after she had gulped in fear, crossing her fingers and reciting whatever holy words came across her mind in her moment of panic.

The dark figure then disappeared in the far distance away from her. She was scared yet focusing on steadying her breathes calmed her down slightly. She turned back around, carrying the cat in her trembling arms and placed it in the back of her car. She continued to drive off onto the road as her hands started to shake nervously on the steering wheel.

After a while, she finally arrived at the venue of the party, the high school she had spent so many of her teenage years developing into the woman she is today. Her face lit up as soon as she saw it as the memories of her school life with friends captivated her mind. Relieved and happy, she got out of the car and looked to the back seats and found the cat lazed about but fast asleep. She opened the window slightly so the cat had access to the fresh night air as she then moved towards the halls of the school.

As she entered the hall, her smile dropped and eyes swelled up. She saw her friends all in the same hall, but far apart from one another.

Ariadne Cer, the girl was in her trademark black grunge dress as she found endless drinks at the bar. She looked the same as she was before, always trying to be the cool one. She always reminded Rune of a coconut shell, hard on the outside but a complete softy on the inside. Even till that day, she wore the same old black lipstick. Her closet would still be all black with no other colors from the rainbow being able to shine through.

Ariadne had done what she wanted to do, what she loved which was psychology. She didn't give a damn about what others had to say, adding onto her badass reputation back in school. Just one look and anyone can see that she hasn't changed a bit.

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