07|Friendship lane (part 1)

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Before reading, please do tell me, how is the story so far? <3Eagerly waiting for your thoughts about it :)

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|chapter 07|

|friendship lane|
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"Shhh! Shhhh! Calm down. It's nothing. It's a shadow of a spider. Calm down, shhh! Breathe. Relax" Abigail tried to calm Callan.

She got up from her chair and reached for Callan's hand. He tried relaxing a bit. Everyone saw him in a shock. They all got scared seeing Callan in such state.

"Look, there is a spider there. It was its shadow." She pointed at the table where a spider was crawling."The candle made it appear big" she continued.

Rune went and gave him a tight hug, "relax! We are here. It was nothing. You are my brave friend. How can you get scared of a tiny spider?" She brushed his hairs. Callan started crying. It was clear that he got scared way too much.

  "Aww! Callan, baby it's nothing" Abigail went up to him.

"Rune I have a small garden in the backyard. It's not that good, but why don't you take him there for some fresh air?" She looked at Rune.

"You have a backyard?!" Jan asked in excitement.

"Yeah, every house have that. Isn't it? I have it too." She smiled.

"But..." Jan was about to say something but she stopped her midway by keeping a finger on her lips. Her eyes piercings deep in Jan's eyes. Without losing the contact she said to Rune, "are you taking him or not?"

Rune nodded and she signalled her where to go. Rune pulled Callan by the sleeve and he marched behind her, crying.

The backyard was so big. It was almost like a lavish garden. There was a fountain in the middle. But the weirdest thing was that it was surrounded by a tall boundary.

They went and sat near the fountain on the grass.

"You ok, Callan?" Rune asked.

"I guess I'm," He answered, wiping up his tears. Rune gave him a side hug, squeezing his shoulder.

"we are here, Callan. Don't worry. If anything scares you then I'll give the thing a punch and teach a lesson" She playfully hit Callan's arm. This made Callan chuckle up a little.

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