12|Through the letters

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|chapter 12|

|through the letters|
• • • • •

Rune startles up from the side bed of the emergency room in a flash with heavy breaths. She looked up to find Aiden standing beside her. She jumped and hugged him "Aiden...". He held her and gave a tight hug in return. "I missed you, Rune".

"Me too Aiden" They both were hugging and weeping. The friendship was coming alive again. 

Ivy entered the room and they broke from the hug. "Rune is up now? Good. Aiden are you happy now?" She asked. 

"Yes, I'm. I'm so so happy" he gave her a bright smile.

"You know Rune he was so worried about you. After you fainted last night, Aiden gained his consciousness and from the moment he was up, he started questioning about you." Ivy said. This made Rune more emotional. She started punching Aiden's chest. "Ah! Rune! Shop it. It's hurting." Aiden shrieked chuckling a bit. Seeing Rune's action Ivy started laughing, " you surely is his best friend, Rune. Who will dare to beat a man like him?" she laughed out. Rune breaks down and falls on the bed. Ivy sat beside her and Aiden gave her a hug again. "Awww! Rune, you are crying because we laughed at you? So sorry, Rune. I really apologize" Ivy joint in, "Yes, Rune. I'm sorry" 

"No, I'm not crying because of you guys. It's just I saw Aiden after a long time and what happened with him, worried me" She said. 

"Aww! Rune. Don't worry. I'm ok. Can't you see, I'm walking and talking. I can do other things too" he smirked bending in front of her. Their faces were barely away. For a moment their eyes were piercing each other's eyes. Rune gulped and Aiden moved further making the space between them even less. Just then, Ivy coughed making the situation to feel less awkward. The moved away looking at the opposite sides. Ivy started laughing, "Aiden! For a moment I thought you were about to kiss Rune. You pervert" 

"Aye! I'm not a pervert! I was just trying to make Rune calm down" he exclaimed. 

"Yeah, right!" Rune said sarcastically which made Ivy chuckled. 

Rune's phone started ringing: Callan



"Yes, Callan" 

"Come to the library, ASAP. I'll call others also." 

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