05|will you reveal yourself?

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|chapter 05|

|will You reveal yourself ?|
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The door opened wide, making Janet shout on the top of her lungs
There was no one. The black figure disappeared somewhere like there was some kind of magic. "Aaaaaaa!!!" Callan joined Janet.

"Stop you two! Why are you shouting?" Jan asked terrified herself.

"There is someone.....or something..." Janet replied. "Yeah I saw it too but look, now there is no one. I think it was a reflection of a cat or any other animal" Jan assured.

"No animal eyes will look like that" Jan exclaimed.

"Maybe there might be a fireplace in there and it was the fire we saw," Ariadne pointed towards now opened door.

"Fireplace? Nah it can't be. We saw two eyes and who will have two fireplaces?" Aiden asked.

"Aiden is right. No one will have two fireplaces in one house" Ivy  backed Aiden's words.

"That might be a reflection in a mirror. And guys, don't overreact it's nothing. We heard a voice and it's proof that someone is living in there, so just chill. Okay?" Rune said, trying to calm everyone down.

"But...bu...but Rune that voice was so creepy. Don't you think that?" Callan's shaky voice was a proof to show how frightened he was.

"Yes it was, but it's because of the woods. It echoed here so it was sounding like that" Dylan gave Callan a side hug rubbing his hand on Callan's arm in an attempt to calm him.

"Stop it guys, let's go inside. It's going to rain and also we are carrying this load on our backs. Look door is also open, then why are we waiting here, arguing?" Ariadne lifted up her backpack from the stairs.

"Yeah, let's go in. Come on everyone" Aiden started walking inside followed by others.
It was completely dark. Except at a fireplace which was burning at a corner where it seems like a personalized library. Someone was sitting on a big chair, facing the wall. There was a chaise beside the chair. A side table was placed between them.

"Hello? Excuse me, wh...who are you?" Rune asked.

No reply. They moved a little near the fireplace. They can't see anything in there except what was near the fireplace. "Exus....excuse me...may.." before Rune could continue, the door shut closed with a bang. They all jumped out of fear and turned towards the door

"wh...who..closed the door?" Ivy gulped. They all came together and were near each other. Holding each other hands they were trying to calm themselves. Callan started crying as loud as he can. His cry echoed in that dark place.

"Who is there?! Can you answer us? My friend here is crying. Sorry if we disturbed you. We'll leave if you don't like us being here. Please accept our apologies and open the door." Rune apologised coming in front.

"YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE. STAY...STAY HERE" a voice said. Rune gulped and continued, "ok we will not but please can you tell us, who are you? It's so dark we can see nothing."

"OKAY..." the voice replied as the candles placed in different corners of the villa started to lit up. They were giving just enough light to lit the place. A tall, black figure seems to move towards them from the door. They were afraid. It was coming near. They were getting sweaty.

"Candles? Who use candles these days?" Jan whispered.

" shut up, what nonsense you are talking at this time," Ariadne said, elbowing Jan. Jan rolled her eyes and folded her arms up. The figure came even nearer. Near. More near...


Rune opened her eyes slowly shaking her head, trying to come to her senses.  She was shocked to see everyone circling her. Confused she asked, "What? Why are you all here in my office?" Rune tried to get up.

"Hey hello! It's not your office but your home and we came here to say hi to you" Jan flipped her hairs. Sarcasm can be heard in the words she uttered.

"Oh shut up, Jan. It's not a time to joke" Ariadne sat beside Rune on the couch.

"What? I'm not joking. I came here just to say hi to her...aaa!" Jan was about to fall when Dylan catches her.

"You okay?" He asked and she nodded.

"How I came home? I was in the office. Why are you all here?" Rune rubbed a hand on her head, trying to remember what happened.

"You fainted, darling. Dylen called and informed us that you were lying completely unconscious in the storeroom of your office. Are you okay, Rune?" Callan was worried for her.

"Storeroom? But how? I did not go to store room today anytime" Rune shook her head clearing her mind, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Yes, I found you in the storeroom. Luckily I went there to lock it as the caretaker was on a leave and I heard someone mumbling in there. I was shocked when I found you there." Dylen said.

"But...Dylen... I was...not going... I..." before she can complete her sentence, Ivy pushed her on the couch again.

"Just lay here. You are not well Rune. Look, you are burning with a fever." She said.

"But I..." Rune tried to explain, but Callan brought her blanket and put upon her. "Just take some rest, Rune,"

"Yes, take some rest. We are here only. Don't worry." Stroking her hands, Ariadne got up from the couch

Before she can close her eyes and take some rest, a black stone came flying through the window and landed on the floor in front of the couch. This time again, the air got filled with the known earthy smell with blood.

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What was the black figure?

Will Rune be able to convince them to help Aiden?

What was the black stone? Where it came from?

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