08|Friendship lane (part 2)

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|chapter 08|

|Friedship lane (part 2)|
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Aiden and Rune rushed inside to see what had happened but they got confused as no one was there at the dining table. Soon they started searching for others when they heard her shout again.

They followed the voice which lead them to the upstairs. It was all dark with only two candles on either side of the hallway. They were not giving out that much of a light but it was enough to light up their path. They followed the voice further and reached in front of a room. Everyone came behind them, running from a different room on either side on the hallway.

Opening the room's door, they entered into the bathroom and to their surprise found Janet in the corner, curling up. She seems to be so frightened that she was all sweaty and was crying burying her head in her hands.

"Janet! What happened?" Ivy asked as everyone ran towards her and sat in front. She was not making eye contact and was shaking. Rune reached out for her and lifted her face. Moving hairs from her face, Rune asked, "What happened, Janet? Are you okay?"

Janet pointed towards the mirror in the bathroom with her still shaking hand. "Th...there...it..."

"What, Janet?" Jan asked.

"There...there was something...I saw it behind me" she started weeping, burying her face in Rune's shoulder as she hugged her and patted her back to comfort her.

"Nothing is here" Dylen excluded as he inspected the mirror.

"Something was there. I saw it. I swear there was something" She tried hard to make them believe that there was something.

"Okay, okay, I believe you. Now come, let's go. You can't be here in the bathroom for the whole time" Aiden signed Rune to help her to get up.

They let Janet lay on the bed to take some rest. "Guys, can we talk?" Rune said signalling them to come out of the room.

"Callan you be here with her. We can't leave her alone. Okay?" Callan nodded and sat at the corner of the bed as everyone went out of the room.

"Can anyone explain, what's going on? Why are you here in this room and where were you leaving her alone?" Rune questioned them as she started to march in front of the room.

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