15|Where fears come to play (part 2)

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| chapter 15|

|where fears come to play (part 2)|
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Only Rune and Aiden was left. It was their chance to bind her again. Either Rune or Aiden has to do it. They turned anti-clock.

It was Aiden's turn. He gulped and started chanting. He heard the whispering of people talking. It was getting louder and louder with each passing second. Aiden's head started to ache. Due to the noises, his eardrums started to vibrate in fast pace making it heard within his own ear. His blood seemed to start gushing in his veins.  He was not able to cope up, when he shouted, "stop it!" Keeping hands on the ears.

The void appeared again. He screamed when he was dragged in.

Only Rune was left. Now she was the only one who can bind her. Abigail started laughing. The fear started to build up within Rune. She was scared that is she wasn't able to continue the chant, she will die like others and Abigail will succeed in being Arnold back to life.

As per the rule, she turned anticlockwise. The moment she was in the other corner, started to chant loudly. A large spider appeared in front of her. She ignored and kept on chanting. Then she felt someone pulling her leg. She ignored. After a while, She felt someone scratching her back. She ignored. She was trying hard not to get distracted.

This time she felt weird as the image of her parents started to appear in front of her eyes. She tried to ignore it too but the urge to run and hug them was so high that she stopped. Tears started rolling down her cheeks. The void appeared and dragged her in. The last words she said before the void could appear were, "Mom!... Dad!..."

Rune finds herself standing in the woods. She fell on her knees and started weeping. When she heard a familiar voice calling her name, "Rune?"

She lifted her head to see Aiden standing in front of her. She ran and hugged him making him fall back. Aiden balanced and hugged her back tightly.

"Are you ok, Aiden?" Rune folded her arms around Aiden's neck.

"Yes, yes I'm. And you? What about you Rune?"

"I'm not good, Aiden. Everything is over now. I failed to bind her. Now she will bring that person back to life." She started crying.

"Shuu... shuuu... Rune don't cry. Nothing is over. Look we are in woods. Maybe we can do it" Aiden tried to calm her down. They break away from the hug. Aiden wiped her tears.

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