09|Texting the psychiatrist

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|chapter 09|

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|chapter 09|

|texting the psychiatrist|
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Rune jolted up breathing heavily. Her heartbeat was fast. The stone fell from her hand and she kept the hand on her chest to feel the heartbeat rate. She shouted, "ugggggghhhh!!! I'm going insane!" Hearing her, all of them came running leaving their food on the table. "What happened, Rune?" Ariadne was shocked to see her like this.

"Guys, let's go. I can wait for him to return. We have to help him. We all know he can't return from there on his own" Rune shouted, getting up from the couch.

"But Rune listen, we can do nothing. Try to understand. It was a story we made." Jan said.

"No, it was not. You too know that. I can't let my best friend die there. I just can't" she broke down, falling on her knees she pleaded them to help her.

"Awww! Baby, don't cry. I'm coming with you" Callan sat beside her.

"If you think that's true and not a story we made, then let's go and find out ourselves," Ariadne said.

"I'm going. He is my friend too and I believe in Rune. I can't forget what happened to my sister." Ivy put her hand on Rune's shoulder and gave her a little squeeze.

"I'm in. I can't let you girls go alone. It will be a shame for me." Dylen joins in.

"Seriously, Dylen? You want to go there?" Jan was shocked.

"Yes, I'm going. They need someone to drive them to that woods" Dylen said.

"But Dylen, you can't go there. I can't afford to lose you. You know, I love you" heading to what Jan said, their jaw dropped in shock. They can't believe what they just heard.

"Don't tell me you two are dating!" Ariadne raised a finger towards them.

"Actually...that...we..." Jan babbled.

"Yes, we are dating. We were about to tell you but these things...you know what I mean." Dylen held Jan's hand and gave a peck on it.

"O my gosh! O my gosh! O my goshhhhh!!!! Woah! You two really are dating. I can't believe. Rune do you? Did you see what he did?" Callan jumped in excitement making Rune chuckle.

"Thank God, at least you smiled. Now stop crying and let's go. Jan you coming with me?" Dylen was still holding her hand.

"Umm...okay, only because I can't let you go alone. I know it's all not true" as Jan said that, Dylen laughed, "Okay, my lady, let's go then. You know you are so cute" Dylen gave a peck on Jan's lips.

"Ewwww! You both, stop it. Get a room please!" Ariadne shouted.

"Why? You want it too? Come I'll give you" Dylen moved towards Ariadne but she ran away. "You pervert, don't you dare come near me. At least think of Jan, what impression you are giving her about you." She ran on the stairs.

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