everyone on trip

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The mansion was left unsupervised for years, it was at the point when it should have been destroyed already, but no one had had the courage to remember to the mayor his duties.
In that city a single person didn't know how much of a danger was the old building and that person was such a fool to not believe to the sincere word people spoke to her.
That girl had bought the house, she was living and she was comfortable in there.
-Oh, I sleep well-was her answer to the neighborhood, or to everyone that asked her if insomnia was a burden.
One day, not far away from the arrival of the young lady, every kind of problems in the German little town seemed to have took more power.
Citizens didn't know what to do anymore, they couldn't take much more of this (or: they were frustrated about it)
One by one they revealed to the mayor the problems they had to deal almost every day: the water in the shower switching off and then switching on and being cold, even though no one was manipulating the water knob; cattle disappeared then coming back after some days unidentified.
-the worst thing is that is seems they don't want to die.- screamed all together a group of farmers.
The problems, of course were not over with that so, a lot of people out of frustration committed suicide.
By that time just few survived but those few were dead inside and while they spent all day felling sorry for themselves just one person was enjoying it as always: the girl from the hunted house.

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