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Three months had passed since Natari had been taken from her homeland. For the past two, she had spent her time serving the many-faced god, learning and growing stronger each day. Today, Jaqen had commanded her to dress in her old clothes. Natari did as she was told and quickly followed him out of the temple.

"Where are we going?" She asked him as they rowed back to the mainland.

"A girl will have her prayers answered today. No one shall see to it."

"Must you always talk in such riddles," she sighed whilst nervously trying to cover more of her light skin from the burning sun.

"Who are you?" He asked and passed her his cloak to cover herself.

"No one," she quickly replied as she covered her bare shoulders and breasts with the cloak.

"We shall see," Jaqen smiled as she watched his eyes travel to her breasts.

Jaqen and Natari arrived at the Braavosi port a short while later. In complete silence the unlikely pair travelled through the streets, completely unaware to any they passed. Finally, she realised where Jaqen was taking her.

"No, you can't! Please, Jaqen, I'll do anything, I can't go back there. I promise, I'll try harder!" Natari suddenly began to cry as she hung onto Jaqens arm with fear and panic.

"A man thought a girl had learned. A man thought a girl was no one," he replied calmly.

Slowly, she calmed down her panic. Looking directly into Jaqen eyes she suddenly realised why she was here and smiled.

"A man will wait for a girl by the port."

Natari watched as Jaqen disappeared into the crowded street before turning back to see the whore house.

"I am no one and a man cannot hurt no one," she whispered to herself over and over as she approached the building.

"Where the fuck have you been, bitch!" Her old master roared the moment she stepped inside the building.

Before Natari could answer, the fat man was dragging her by her hair into the back room. She could feel her panic rising again but quickly repeated her little prayer in her head.

I am no one.

No one can hurt no one.

I am no one.

"Spit it out then!" he commanded when he closed the door behind them.

Natari knew what she must do.

"I was doing as my great master commanded. Purchasing the wine for your guests, when a man, fat and tall, dragged me from the market and forced me onto his ship. He kept me there for days, using me as he wanted. This morning he was due to set sail and I jumped off the boat as he slept. I have been walking for hours in the burning sun trying to find my way back to you master."

"You do not look beaten or hurt?" He scoffed with suspicion.

"Not with the naked eye master. Please, I came back. Let me make up for my mistakes," she begged as she approached the table.

Natari watched carefully as the fat man licked his lips. Slowly, he walked over to the bed that sat in the corner of the room.

"Here," he ordered and waved her over.

As the fat man pulled down his dirty bottoms, Natari quickly slipped the letter opening knife from his desk, into her loose silk dress. Smiling, she smoothly approached the fat man and moved to sit on him, straddling his sweaty body with her thin legs.

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