Chapter 3: Secret Revealed

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Author's POV

"Come on, girls. We have lots of explaining to do." Taeyeon said as she walked towards EXO and the other girls followed suit.

"So...Erm...Hi. What are you guys doing here?" Tiffany stuttered.

"Why do you girls have wings? Are you fairies? Oh, that will be so cool! But aren't fairies mythical? What is going on?" asked Baekhyun, sounding astounded.

"Look, guys, I know we have lots of explaining to do, but can we not do it in the city? Let's go back to the palace and then explain." Jessica said, sounding a bit annoyed.

Then, Sunny grinned. She started flapping her wings and said excitedly," Let's fly to the palace!!"

Grabbing Kris's arm, she started to flying into the clear, azure sky.

"No, I don't want to! What if we fall? I'm still young, I don't want to die, at least not by flying!" shrieked Kris.

"Don't worry, you won't. We will hold on to you tightly." Sunny said as she flashed a smile to Kris.

It was a rather hilarious sight-nine fairies flying in the sky, with twelve boys hanging onto them for dear life, screaming their lungs out as if little girls.

Soon, they arrived in front of a magnificent, creamy white palace.

"May I present to you boys, the beautiful palace of Glos Angeles." Taeyeon announced proudly with her hands on her hips.

She was met with cheers and hoots from the other girls and they all shared a confident glint in their eyes.

"Noonas, why did you bring us here?" Luhan asked.

"Because it's where we live." replied Hyoyeon.

"You live here? Are you all royals?" Lay asked, astonished, as he took in his surroundings.

"Questions later, let's go in now!" replied Sooyoung.

Sooyoung took the lead and entered  the palace briskly. They walked through a hallway that was carpeted in a lovely shade of red. Potraits of royals were hung on the wall.

They went into a humongous room, which shouldn't even be called a room. In the room, there were nine doors that led to another nine bedrooms.

They opened one of the doors and went into the bedroom. The room was all pink. Pink wallpaper, pink carpet, pink bed, pink chandelier...

"This must be Tiffany noona's room." Kyungsoo said.

"Bingo!" Tiffany said as she showed her signature eye smile.

They all sat down in a sofa. "Okay, noonas. Please tell us all about your background." Xiumin said, emphasizing on the word 'all'.

"As you can see, we are fairies." Taeyeon started speaking. "And we are princesses of Glos Angeles. Glos Angeles is where we are right now." Yoona added. 

"Fairy princesses?" Lay questioned.

"In a way, yes." Hyoyeon answered.

Seohyun said, "We came to Earth because there is a villain, Magnifico, who is trying to eliminate us."

"Wait a minute, but Magnifico can come to Earth too, right?" Luhan asked, completely befuzzled by the new information.

"But there's no point even if he came to Earth. No one can use their powers anywhere except in Glos Angeles. Not even us." Jessica replied.

" So... Why did you all come back? Isn't it dangerous here? You might be captured by Magni...Magnico? You know, his name is really funny." Chen tried to keep a straight face, but couldn't help but burst into fits of laughter.

Taeyeon then shot him one of her famous glares and he immediately pretended to zip his mouth.

"It's Magnifico. And the reason we came back is because our parents, who are the king and queen of Glos Angeles, are abducted by Magnifico. And now, it is our duty to rescue them from that darn beast!" Sunny ended up yelling the last few words, which caused the boys, to stare at her wide-eyed, terror clearly visible on their faces.

"Sunny, chill. Look at the boys' faces, they are scared of you!" Tiffany chuckled at her dear sister.

Sunny muttered an apology and started murmuring about the 101 ways she wanted to trample the "beast".

"Can we go on the quest to save your parents too? " asked Kyungsoo, sounding like an over-excited bunny.
The rest of EXO simultaneously agreed that they should go on the quest too.

"No, you can't. It's too dangerous." Taeyeon said firmly.

"That's why we have to go, to protect you all." Kai protested.

"Please, we have powers, you don't." Yuri stated.

"More is better than less, we can help out too." Tao bantered.

"No, means no. You don't know how powerful Magnifico is. He will destroy the twelve of you with a flick of his finger." Yoona fought back.

"And Kris, didn't you say, and I quote,"I'm still young, I don't want to die!" " Sunny imitated Kris, flailing her arms about.

Kris shot her a glare, jutted out his chin and said,"I was just humouring you just now, I'm fnot scared."

"Just let us come along, we promise to be useful." Luhan asked quietly.

The boys all chorused out "Yes!" in agreement and stared at Taeyeon in hopes for her approval.

"There's no way we can convince you guys to stay here right?" Taeyeon let out a huge sigh.

This resulted in the extreme enthusiasm in the boys once again, Lay and Chanyeol even pledging to follow the girls relentlessly.

"Okay, fine. I guess you all can come?"

Wide grins broke out on the twelve boys' faces.

"But," Taeyeon cut in, "we will not be held liable for any injuries or death."

The boys synchronously gulped at the word "death".

"Oh, I can't wait to see them in wings!" Jessica exclaimed excitedly.

"Wait, what? Wings?" EXO asked altogether.

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