Chapter 18: Tell me your wish

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Author's POV

"Is there anyway to cure Hyoyeon?" Taeyeon asked. "I don't know. We have to ask Mr. Albert about that."What are you guys talking about?! Who are you?!""Noona, you don't need to know who we are and we're talking nonsense, so don't mind us talking." Kai said. "You are the one who's talking nonsense." Chanyeol chuckled. Jessica gave Chanyeol the ice glace, and hollered,"Now's not the time to joke!" "Sorry, noona. I was just trying to brighten up the atmosphere." Chanyeol apologised. "Sica-ah, don't be so angry at Chanyeol. Like he had said, he was just trying to brighten up the atmosphere." Tiffany said. "I'm also sorry for overreacting." Jessica also apologised. "Now what?" Lay asked. "Maybe you could try to heal Hyoyeon unnie." Seohyun suggested. "I don't think it might work because my powers are not strong enough, but here goes." Lay said. Powers streaked out from Lay's fingers to Hyoyeon's forehead. "Please, let it work." Taeyeon prayed. But unfortunately, it did not. "Now what?" It was Sehun's turn to ask. "Well, we have to leave her here and continue our quest ourselves. I didn't want to do this, but there's no choice. Hyoyeon is not fit to go on the quest now." Taeyeon said. "Who would look after her?" Chen asked. "We could ask Mr. Walter, our butler, to help us look after Hyoyeon unnie." Sooyoung suggested. "Ok then. I'll tell Mr. Walter about it later." Taeyeon said.

After Taeyeon was back from finding Mr. Walter, Chen summoned a dragon. All of them sat on the dragon's back and the dragon set off for Shadow Hill Castle again. "You should have summoned a dragon earlier, so we didn't have to fly for four hours." Kyungsoo complained. "You didn't thought of it either, so don't blame me." Chen retorted. "Guys, stop quarelling, or else Sica noona is gonna get angry again." Baekhyun whispered. "I can hear that, you know." Jessica said." All three of them said sorry in unison. "Don't worry, I won't eat you up!" Jessica laughed. "When you get to know Sica better, you'll realise that she's really friendly." Yuri stated.

After an hour, they arrived at Shadow Hill Castle. They opened the front door and went in the castle. "Is Silverstone still trapped inside the room?" Kai asked. "Yup. I used powers to freeze the door, so they can't get out as they lost their powers for now." Jessica replied. "Let's go find Silverstone and get back the other eight jewels on the sceptre!" Sehun exclaimed. Everyone in EXO, except for Baekhyun and Sehun, asked altogether,"What's that?!" "Father has a sceptre and on the sceptre, there's nine jewels, represents us, SNSD. When the jewels are put together with the sceptre, it will have powers and can grant nine wishes. Eight wishes have been granted already, only one wish is left." Taeyeon explained. "But how did you know about that?" Lay turned to Sehun. "We found one of the jewels. The other eight jewels are taken by Silverstone." "Quick! Let's go!" Sehun exclaimed.

They went up to the room where Silverstone was trapped. Jessica removed the ice on the door, there was Silverstone, lying on the grind, still unconscious. Just then, one by one, Silverstone began to wake up. "Hand over the jewels on my father's sceptre." Yoona ordered. "You think I'll listen to you? Dream on!" Misty shouted. "I will get back the jewels." Yoona said. Vines streamed out and tied Silverstone up. SNSD and EXO went over to Silverstone. They found the eight jewels in Silverstone's pockets.

"Shall we go to the secret room that our group found the bedroom? We didn't get to explore it as we went to save Baekhyun and Sehun." Kris suggested. "Okay, then we can go to the secret passageway that my group found. We didn't get to explore it too." Taeyeon suggested.

They went to the secret room first. They didn't find anything, so they went to the secret passageway. When they walked until the end of the passageway, they found out that they were back at the secret room. "The secret room and the passageway are connected." Kai said. Just then, Xiumin spotted something sparkling under a cupboard. He picked it up. It was the king's sceptre. "The sceptre!!" Everybody shouted in unison. Taeyeon took out the nine jewels from her pocket and placed it on the nine dents where the jewels were suppose to be. "Should we make a wish?" "What wish should we make?" Suho asked. "To defeat Magnifico?" Chen suggested. "How about to let Hyoyeon noona regain her memory?" "But there might be a way to cure Hyoyeon noona. It's hard to deafeat Magnifico, isn't it? That's what the noonas told us, right?" Luhan stated. "But what if there isn't any way? Tao argued. "Stop! Let Taeyeon to decide, okay?" Sooyoung said. Everyone agreed to let Taeyeon to decide. Taeyeon held the sceptre in her hands, and made a wish,"I wish that-

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