Chapter 2: Glos Angeles

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Kris's POV

EXO had just finished practicing for our upcoming concert. We headed back to our dorm to get some rest before dinner.

"Argh,!" Baekhyun groaned and dove in the couch chest-first.

Chanyeol lay down on the floor, motionless. Almost could pass off as a dead corpse.

"Guys, let's do something, I'm bored." Xiumin voiced out, drawing random patterns in the air with his feet.

"Hyung, go to sleep, don't bother us." Chen said sleepily.

"No, someone play with me! Entertain me!" Xiumin continued to pester the rest. But he was met with silence as they all fell into sweet slumber.


Half an hour later

"Everybody, wake up! I went to look for SNSD in their practice room but I couldn't find them. However, I met with their manager and he said that they had this so called "bonding week" and didn't want anyone to disturb them. I find this fishy. I think something is up." Xiumin boomed, dashing into their dorm.

"What fishy? We have fish for dinner tonight? I hope it's Dory fish though, my favourite..." Kyungsoo trailed off groggily.

"Hey, all of you, wake up! I suspect that our SNSD noonas are in trouble!" Xiumin tried to alert them relentlessly.

Slowly, they woke up one by one and Xiumin explained the situation to them.

"I guess we will have to check it out ourselves then." Suho replied with a strict tone.

With that, the twelve boys hurriedly left their dorm and made their way towards SNSD's practice room.


Suho's POV

It was empty. The practice room was totally empty of anyone, which was puzzling since they were supposed to have their "bonding" there.

"This is really weird..." Sehun muttered to himself.

Then Kai shouted,"Hey hyungs, check this out!"

We turned and saw Kai pointing to a nondescript cupboard. However, something glittery and bright caught our eyes and we all proceeded forward to the cupboard. In it, contained some sparkly, pink round thing that looks like a...

"Whirlpool?" Luhan questioned.

"I think it looks more like a portal." Tao commented.

"Cool, a portal. Let's see where it leads to." Sehun said. He stepped into the portal.

"Hey, Sehun, come back! It might be dangerous! You don't know where it leads to!" I shouted but to no avail, his body was swallowed by the portal.

"Sehun? Sehun, where are you?" Kris asked worriedly.

Seconds ticked by and there was still no response. Trepidation crept up our hearts and we crossed our hearts and prayed for Sehun's well-being.

"Hyung, you got to check this out! This place is magical! Is that a... fairy? Oh gosh, there are people flying! Come down now!"

We all let out a relieved breath when we heard the maknae's voice.

Looking at the portal, I sucked in a deep breath and braced myself as I took the first step into the portal.

I couldn't even control my body as the portal pulled me through the bumpy journey. Everything was a blur around me and suddenly...

Bam! My whole body collapsed onto a grassy field. Before I even had time to process the pain, Sehun shouted and pointed at something far ahead.Looking at the direction of his finger, I was stunned. Behind me came a lot of groaning and cursing as the rest of them tumbled through the portal, but I was too fascinated by the place to even care.

It was as if a whole new world appeared in front of my eyes. This place was magical and were those things, fairies?

"It's fairyland!!!" exclaimed Baekhyun.

"But it's says here that it's Glos Angeles." Chen said as he pointed to a sign that wrote 'Welcome to Glos Angeles!'.

Then I saw a familiar face. Is that Yoona? Why is she here? Wait, is that real wings? Wait, what's going on?


Yoona's POV

Yes! We are finally going back to Glos Angeles. I miss my home so much. Once we reached Glos Angeles, we spun around and our T-shirts and jeans changed into white, flowing dresses. Wings started to emerge from our backs and our hair was flowing in the wind. This was where home was.

Oh, I finally get to fly. I missed the thrill of flying. Turning around, I took in the landscape of my hometown.

But, my eyes caught sight of someone. A guy.


Then, another eleven pairs of eyes started staring at me.


The other girls started looking at my direction saw twelve, confused guys staring at us in pure suprise.

From my peripheral vision, I saw Hyoyeon gulp deeply.

Then, we all looked at each other. We knew that we had lots of explaining to do.

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