This one boy: 1

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Scarlett Ravina Asher. Interesting name right? Yeah, everyone else seems to think so too. You know when you're teacher hands you a form in class and the form has your whole name on it? yeah most of my teachers look at me strangely when they read 'Ravina'. I've always wondered if it's my parents way of letting me know that I'm secretly a witch or something awesome!

And no. I'm not a perfect girl with a perfect body, I just wanted to point that out.

Ok so being slightly serious now, I'll bring you up to speed with my life so far.

I was born on the 5th of August 2000 to Cynthia and Ruben (my shit hahah) my parents were married but then my dads work kinda drifted the two apart, they then officially split when I was 5. Great start to school...

"Oh by the way your father and I are divorcing, have a great first day babe!"

But to be honest I don't remember much fighting, I just remember one night at dinner, it was just me, my mum and my 1 year old sister Rosa. Mum was just staring at the wall very blankly and then out of the blue she said to me,

"I don't think dads coming back..."

Then the tears fell, I didn't understand but as a kid, if mums crying, you know something's wrong! So I cried with her.

And then the next thing I know, my dads turned up about a week later with white hair and a new house.

"What the fuck happened to your hair?" my mum laughed

"I don't know but I just about shat my pants when I looked in the mirror this morning!" my dad laughed back

( for those of you who don't know, shat is a cross between a shit and a actually...i don't know the 'at' bit...but I don't care hahah I like the word shat )

I guess I'm lucky my parents are friends still, as you can probably tell

Then a few weeks later, my dads boss started living with us at my dads. I just thought it was work they were doing... but now that I think about it... actually I don't want to! She's my stepmum now though, and she's pretty awesome, though Rosa hates her, her names Leah

Then a few months later my mum got a boyfriend, his names John. John...the most boring name right? matches his personality though, he's my stepdad now too. I honestly think he's only my stepdad because mum couldn't have dad anymore.

There's also a whole load of other stuff I could drone on and on about but...i think you guys get the gist

Everyone just takes one look at me and just assumes I've got a perfect life. They don't look beyond the blonde hair, I swear, they just automatically think I'm a ditz and a barbie with a sugar coated life. In a way it's a good thing...i don't necessarily want people knowing how fucked up I am... but it'd just be nice if I had someone to talk to, you know?

Anyway enough about my 'sad life' and on to the happy stuff! Hahah

I don't want to sound like a mega drama queen here, but the only real happiness I get, is when I sing. I sing when I'm mad, happy, hurt

(not crying...that gets ugly really quickly!)

I have three amazing best friends though

They make my life so much more bare able

They're Crystal, Lilly and Elise

Crystal has always been there for me through thick and thin, she's amazing. Crystal is one of those girls who guys just stare at. and I mean stare. but then again, they would be crazy of they didn't! Her dark brown eyes just give you that extra support, you know? like she just has them programmed to tell you 'it's alright', and her brown hair is so long and swishy with blonde streaks hanging on at the ends

Elise is the fun girl. She's funny and beautiful with green eyes and dirty blonde hair up to her sholders. Elise happens to be the opposite of Crystal though, she thinks that every guy that looks at her sideways is going to marry her, she's beautiful...but desperate...

And Lilly...oh Lilly where to start... Lilly is a down right weirdo! but I guess that's why she's one of my best friends. I've only known her a year, but it's been the best year ever. Lilly just has this glow about her, her bright blue eyes and blonde hair. She's funny yet caring and always sticks up for me when there's drama.

But my real problem right now, the one I'm getting to...

Is Nick


Heyyyy this is my new book (duh) and yeah...enjoy!

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