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9:28 am

taeyong's eyes fluttered open, stretching his arms simultaneously. for a moment, he had forgotten that he was in his own apartment. a pained chuckle erupted from his chest as he realized that the sheets were made of luxurious silk and not jaehyun's soft cotton ones. he rose from his mattress, walking to his bathroom, still half asleep.

his eyes met his own in the mirror. it was different, very different. his cheeks were a bit fuller and his eye bags had diminished significantly. some of the natural honey skin color came back, contrasting his usual pale skin. he pulled his large t-shirt over his head, expecting to be met with jutting ribs but was confused when they were hidden by a small amount of healthy fat that he had accumulated while staying at jaehyun's.

he liked how he was changing. getting progressively fuller after years of malnourishment. taeyong didn't mean to starve himself, it was just a habit. when he was younger, the orphanage had less money than it did now. he knew that because he was the one making large donations. but back then, they barely had enough for a meal a day, maybe two if he was lucky. feeling full was an unfamiliar feeling, and he wasn't too fond of unfamiliar things.

taeyong knew he needed to be healthy, especially now that he had to be an example to a little one. that really made him smile. it wasn't jaehyun but seungjae. jaehyun was amazing but being a parent was something that he had never thought about until the idea was presented. and when he really took the time to think, it made his heart race at the thought of holding him in his arms.

he made sure to remember to buy some parenting books on the way home from his visit. after a hot shower and a small breakfast, his doorbell rung.

taeyong rushed down the stairs, opening the door to reveal jaehyun, in all of his whatever he was. was glorious the word? yes, yes it was. taeyong took a moment, to look at him. not just check him out but to really look at him. his hair was pushed back, making taeyong's knees weak. pearly white teeth made their appearance as he smiled brightly. not to mention the scent of mint and ocean salt that he had grown to love.

"good morning!"

"good morning to you too, would you like to come in for breakfast? i just ate but i can whip something up for you in a second."

"no! it's okay, i ate before i came! are you ready to head out?"

"yeah, let me just get my jacket."

taeyong walked toward the couch to pick up his  gucci winter coat, wrapping it across his body tightly. he made sure to lock the door on his way out and off they went.

they arrived at the orphanage shortly after an awkward car ride. the air was frozen, turning both of their cheeks bright pink.

"did i make this awkward with my text last night?" taeyong mentioned, clearly feeling the tension between them.

"of course not! i'm just not exactly the most experienced in this type of thing. i'm sorry!" jaehyun responded, shocked by the sudden question.

as soon as taeyong was about to reply jaehyun quickly interrupted him.

"there he is!" jaehyun shouted, pointing at a thin boy playing outside in the snow with no jacket on.

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