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month seven

"haechanie, are you really going to leave me? your pregnant big brother who has taken care of you all your life. who stayed up all night rubbing your tummy when you ate too much candy and you can't stay to return the favor." taeyong jokingly sobbed into haechan's arms.

"hyung, you have jaehyun for that. plus, you can come visit me anytime you want since you bought a house big enough for all of us to live in. not to mention right beside ten hyung, johnny hyung, and that scrawny dumbass." haechan complained, remembering when he had first heard that taeyong had bought the house.

"stop being a little brat. mark offered to even help you move since you'll be going to the same university while you're doing your internship. be nice to him or i'll have ten do something to you. now what are the rules?" taeyong asked, smiling at a very annoyed haechan.

"i have to facetime you everyday, be nice to the knock off brand slender man because he's helping me, no drugs or drinking, and actually show up to class." haechan hummed, practically saying them in his sleep from how many times he had told him.

"good now come here and give me a hug." taeyong brought the younger close against his chest and swollen stomach.

he held him for a while, remembering what it was like the first time he met him. a small, fragile abused kid that was terrified of everything but found comfort in taeyong's bony structure.

"i don't say it a lot haechan, but i adore you. you are the first thing i ever loved and will continue loving for the rest of my life. you saved my life back in the orphanage, you gave me a reason to live. i'm so proud of you, everything you are and everything you've yet to become. even if you aren't a baby, you'll always be my baby." taeyong sniffled in his shoulder.

"hyung, stop being a sap, you know i can't handle those things. but, i love you too. thank you for taking care of me all of those years and for this." haechan responded trying to seem as unaffected as possible.

"you're welcome and be safe okay? text me when you land in vancouver." taeyong added, squeezing one last time.

haechan nodded and turned back to go down the escalator to pass security. he waved one last time, seeing his hyung with a swollen belly and a sweet smile. as soon as taeyong was out of sight, a couple of tears ran down his cheeks.

he was really going to miss him.

taeyong wasn't much better, especially with the pregnancy hormones. but nevertheless, he knew that this was his dream so he sucked up his tears and held it together. the walk to his car was bitter sweet but he knew haechan would be more than just fine.

he pulled the car out of the parking slot, heading to pick up seungjae from school for lunch. taeyong tried to make it a habit to pull seungjae out of school for lunch. usually he packed something and they went to go share it at jaehyun's office.

it was a long forty-five minute drive as the airport was quite reclusive. the traffic definitely didn't help but he managed to make it to the school with a couple of minutes to spare.

"hey jelly bean, how are you doing in there? your daddy, brother, and i can't wait to meet you. are you eating well? i've been trying to eat a lot so you can grow strong. ouch! take it easy? i know you like the sound of my voice but my tummy is not a jungle gym. we have to go inside to get your brother now and you've been up for a while. take a nap, jelly bean. i love you." taeyong rubbed in own stomach, feeling the little one reek havoc inside.

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