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haechanie! i've missed you so much!" taeyong exclaimed, pulling in the younger into his arms.

"taeyong hyung, i missed you too, you old hag." haechan chuckled, hugging him back.

"uncle haechanie! it's me, seungjae, do you remember?" seungjae yelled, jumping into the older boy's arms.

"of course i do! how could i forget my favorite mario kart partner!" haechan responded, picking up seungjae softly.

"hey little rascal!" jaehyun also greeted the younger by ruffling his hair slightly.

haechan invited the three into his apartment in the same building as taeyong. taeyong allowed him to live there for free as long as he kept busy and motivated to do well in school. that was his only requirement, that haechan was always working on making himself better.

jaehyun was surprised to see the place of a nineteen year old be so clean, he wondered if haechan was a clean freak like taeyong. but that was beside their purpose there.

"please don't kill him and feed him! we will be back in a couple of hours. seungjae, be good okay? don't cause uncle haechan any trouble okay? here's my card, you guys can order whatever you want or go out if you want to. thank you so much, i appreciate it, chan." taeyong said, handing haechan his credit card.

"thanks hyung. i don't have class tomorrow until later in the evening, seungjae could spend the night so you guys could have a date night or something. i'm sure you need a little time to yourselves. i insist, you do so much for me." haechan replied, accepting the card politely.

"i do things for you because i love you haechan, don't ever feel indebted to me. but, that sounds nice. jaehyun and i could use some time alone. what do you think, jaehyun?" taeyong asked.

"that's perfect, i got a text from my boss earlier that the meeting was canceled because he has the flu and i can just work on my designs tomorrow at home." jaehyun answered.

"okay, then it's settled. seungjae, we are having a mario kart marathon! pizza, gaming, and fun all night with your uncle haechan." haechan cheered with the ecstatic baby chick in his arms.

"nooooo! i don't think so. bedtime is eight o'clock on the dot for both of my babies. don't forget to brush your teeth and floss! don't eat too much candy. have fun! text me before you both go to bed so i know you aren't dead." taeyong explained, kissing both of their foreheads.

haechan was the closest thing that he had to a brother and he loved him as if he was one. taeyong basically raised haechan in the orphanage. he always gave him what little he had to make sure he was okay. they looked out for each other because that's what brothers do.

taeyong and jaehyun said their goodbyes, waking out hand in hand. they stopped to converse with mr.hwang as usual while taeyong's audi r8 was on the way up.

"taeyongie, baby." jaehyun pouted cutely.

"what do you want?" taeyong narrowed his eyes knowing that jaehyun was about to ask for something.

"can i drive?" jaehyun asked cutely, demonstrating his aegyo.

"fuck yeah, i hate driving. you can drive forever now." taeyong laughed, climbing into the passenger seat.

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