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10:13 am

"w-what?" haechan answered the door, half asleep.

"rise and shine boys, we are going out! get in the shower chan-ah!" taeyong exclaimed, walking into haechan's dark apartment, flicking all the lights on.

taeyong's eyes fell upon empty pizza boxes, soda cans, and bags of empty gummy worms laying across the floor in front of the television that was still flashing with mario kart.

on the couch was his son, completely knocked out, cuddled with a blanket, his face covered in sticky candy residue.

"i'm going to kill you haechan-ah!" taeyong shouted.

"h-hyung, i can explain!" haechan answered, suddenly very awake, getting ready to run.

"come here, you little shit!" taeyong lunged forward, haechan barely dodging his grasp.

"catch me if you can, hyung!" haechan exclaimed while laughing and running around his apartment with taeyong hot on his heels.

"i told you both that you had to be in bed early, brush your teeth, and floss. Also, pizza, candy, and soda? both of you need to eat healthy food, you both are still growing! you're going to give my kid diabetes, chan! what time did you go to bed at least?" taeyong shouted at haechan, finally too out of breath to outrun an 18 year old boy.

"not that late, hyung." haechan answered, scratching the back of his neck.

"what time exactly? taeyong asked, narrowing his eyes.

"like four-ish?" haechan said, backing up slightly.

taeyong's eyes widened, and he immediately lunged forward to haechan again, this time grabbing a handful of his hair.

"ouch! hyung, let go!" haechan squirmed in his arms.

"four in the morning haechan! i said you had to be in bed by eight at the latest!" taeyong muttered, pulling the younger in a choke hold.

"ahhhh! jaehyun hyung, get him off of me!" haechan pleaded for help.

"i'm not getting in between this one." jaehyun laughed as he watched the two wrestling in each other's arms.

it was nice seeing a little of taeyong's childish side come out with haechan. it was comforting to see him allow himself some fun.

"baba!" seungjae whined, recognizing his voice immediately upon waking up.

taeyong immediately brought his attention to the younger, whose lips were quivering and hands were outstretched for him. he immediately scooped him in his arms, soothing his son gently.

"m-my tummy hurts." seungjae whined rubbing it softly.

"ohh baby. it's okay, we will get you some medicine and some soup to make it stop hurting okay?" taeyong responded, rubbing it as well.

it reminded him when haechan was a child and it stirred his heart a little. he remembered when he had barely arrived at the orphanage and got sick. taeyong remembered himself rubbing haechan's stomach when he would cry at night.

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