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as soon as taeyong saw seungjae all soapy, staring at him wide eye, he knew he would be wrapped around this baby's finger.

"hi sweetie, do you feel warm now?" taeyong asked the boy sitting in the bubbly bath.

"yes mister, i'm warm. thank you for asking." seungjae said in his baby voice that just melted their hearts.

"baby, taeyong is adopting you with me. we are going to be your parents!" jaehyun mentioned, massaging the shampoo into his hair.

"really! mister is going to be my appa? what happened to dodo?" seungjae questioned, not fully understanding.

"he went away buddy. taeyong is your other appa now? is that okay with you?" jaehyun asked him.

"yes yes yes! mister protects me from meanie! i love mister, i love him so much." he replied, hurting both of their hearts.

"you don't have to call me mister baby, you can call me whatever you want." taeyong smiled, wrapping the small boy in a towel, squeezing him tight in his chest.

"baba!" seungjae exclaimed, wrapping his wet arms around taeyong's neck tightly.

after feeling the small arms, he knew that he would do anything for this child, for the rest of his life. no one would get in the way of him taking care of his baby. seungjae was now his and taeyong would protect him from anything that tried to even touch a hair on his head. even if it was against jaehyun or even himself.

the three made their way back to seungjae's room. memories flashed in front of taeyong's eyes. it was his old room. when he opened the door, it was exactly like he remembered. grey walls, two small beds on each side. taeyong walked to seungjae's bed, slowly lifting the fitted sheet, revealing the blood stain mattress that he tried everything to get rid of.

"taeyong, is everything okay?" jaehyun asked, holding seungjae who wore his favorite spongebob pijamas that he had significantly grown out of.

"this used to be my old room. remember when i told you that i grew up in a orphanage? it was this one, in this exact room, i slept on this same mattress. i'm just in shock, the coincidence is alarming. since i got out of here, i've been making donations, large ones. i thought i was doing my part, making their lives better. but now, i see that it's exactly the same. they haven't even changed the bloody mattress that i was raped on when i was twelve. that was ten freaking years ago." taeyong replied, feeling numb, staring at the large blood stain.

jaehyun was speechless, he too stared at the blood stain. he imagined a small, and defenseless taeyong, pushed into the mattress by force. it made him hold seungjae tighter, thanking god that the boy was wrapped in his arms safely.

their focus was interrupted by a knock on the door, revealing the bitter man holding the hot chocolate in one of his hands.

"took you long enough, give it to him, and apologize. go down and pack your things. you're done." taeyong growled.

the man handed the smaller boy the cup and said a small apology to which the boy narrowed his eyes just like his new father.

"you're pathetic, get out of my sight, you make me nauseous." taeyong's eyes stayed narrowed.

"just because you're some rich brat that donates a couple bucks doesn't mean you can talk to your elder like that. if anything, you're the disgusting spoiled brat here." the man hissed, not cowering at taeyong's presence.

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