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2:07 pm

"first of all, we have to buy you some new stuff and a winter jacket, okay? and then we will go to the arcade!" taeyong said, buckling his baby into the car seat in jaehyun's car.

"okay baba!" the younger boy replied enthusiastically.

taeyong double checked that the car seat was secured tightly and placed a kiss on his forehead before shutting the car door. he climbed into the passenger seat, buckling his own seat belt. he looked over at jaehyun who adjusted the air conditioning dials to the hottest setting. he noticed that he hadn't put his seatbelt on. something that taeyong had always made a habit of as soon as entering the car.

"hey, put your seatbelt on. the road is icy and it's dangerous. always put it on, just in case." taeyong mentioned, taking a look at seungjae who had a cheesy smile and jaehyun's long army green winter coat draped across him.

jaehyun obeyed and secured his seatbelt, the car slowly heating up.

"where are we going?" jaehyun asked, shifting the car into drive.

"let's go to the sunland mall? it's pretty close to here and this little one needs some new things, especially a winter jacket." taeyong said, smiling at the ecstatic boy in the back seat.

"sounds like a plan." jaehyun smiled, driving off with one hand on the steering wheel and the other intertwined with taeyong's.

for the first time in a long time, they both felt at peace. no sadness, no anger, no jealously, just happiness. the ride to sunland was short, in twenty minutes they were walking into the doors of the mall. jaehyun had seungjae wrapped in his arms, hugging him slightly. both of them stared at taeyong innocently, waiting for directions.

"okay, how about we go to baby's boutique? we need some outfits and a winter jacket. and of course anything else you want baby!" taeyong answered cooing at his son who grinned widely.

if jaehyun knew how much taeyong liked to shop, he would've bought a scooter or something. within two hours, taeyong had bought just about half of the mall for seungjae. of course, jaehyun fought to pay but taeyong told him that he would be pissed, mentioning that he was an actual billionaire. taeyong had done some real damage to the mall and soon both seungjae and jaehyun were pouting so when taeyong mentioned lunch, they looked at each other, eyes wide, nodding furiously.

the three decided on some pizza which seungjae in particular was most excited for. all three of them happily munched on their lunch. both jaehyun and taeyong praised seungjae for eating well and taeyong mentally praised himself as well for being a good example.

"we are going to have to buy a house just to put all of the things you bought!" jaehyun teased taeyong, to which seungjae laughed loudly.

"actually, now that i think about it, that's not a bad idea. both of our houses only have one bedroom and we need a room for seungjae. would you like to look into houses tomorrow?" taeyong asked seriously.

jaehyun choked on his water, staring at taeyong with wide eyes. he took a second to think about it and it was actually a really great idea. both of them had over sufficient funds and nothing was exactly holding them back. so why not?

"that sounds like a great idea! i'll look into selling the condo when we get home." jaehyun replied, smiling.

both knew it was moving incredibly fast but what was the point of waiting? they were exactly what they wanted and now they were in the midst of adopting a child together so who cared about tediously long courting? they weren't teenagers anymore with uncertainties. both of them had their fair share of pain and just wanted to be happy.

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