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month six pt.2

"pregnant, like with an actual baby pregnant? i'm sorry that's impossible." taeyong answered in absolute disbelief.

"that was our exact reaction but your blood work revealed that you were pregnant. we checked six times and the result were all positive. it is very rare but it has happened." the doctor replied, reading over his results over and over again.

"i'm not catching on, how is this even remotely possible?" taeyong continued ask in absolute denial.

"it is a genetic mutation in which caused you to have both female and male reproductive organs. usually, even if a person has both of them, only one functions which is already incredibly rare. i've personally never seen it in all my years in this field but i have heard about a couple of cases. but to have them both function is less than a one in a million chance." the doctor explained, pulling up sources on his computer.

"why is that i barely got pregnant this time? shouldn't i have gotten pregnant the first time i had sex?" he questioned, trying to understand.

"conception even for a standard female has to have lots of things line up. they have to be ovulating, their hormones have to be at a certain level and there is many factors that contribute to even be able to become pregnant. according to your physical exam, you were previously significantly underweight and now you should a gain of healthy weight which could be the cause of your spike in fertility. it just happened be that all the factors lined up perfectly and you became fertile." he added trying to make sense of the situation for taeyong.

taeyong nodded but he was absolutely in denial. what was it with him? he was always the one in a million. nothing ever came easy to him and the fucking universe always had to throw him into a tsunami of uncertainty.

"i would like to do an ultrasound to be absolutely sure, is that alright with you?" the old man questioned, answering the knock at the door revealing the nurse with the machine.

"absolutely, please go ahead." taeyong agreed, lying back examination table, feeling incredibly nervous.

dr. ryu pulled the ultra sound machine toward them and explained to taeyong what it was for. he squeezed the blue gel onto taeyong's exposed stomach, and pressed the wand around his stomach. they both stared at the screen waiting to see anything.

the wand suddenly stopped moving and there, right in taeyong's belly was a baby. it had a little nose and small little feet that instantly sent taeyong into adoration.

"there it is, you're about 14 weeks pregnant so three months and half. from the looks of it, it's completely healthy, two legs, two arms, ten fingers, and ten toes. i can also tell you the sex if you would like to know." the doctor smiled, pressing into taeyong's abdomen.

taeyong stared in awe, jaehyun and him made that. that was their baby that he was growing inside of him. he made ten little fingers and ten little toes.

"yes, please tell me, i'm too impatient to wait." taeyong squeaked, smiling as the wand moved around his skin.

"well, it looks like you are having a baby boy." dr. ryu laughed at his enthusiasm.

a baby boy. he was having a baby boy. jaehyun and him were having a baby boy. he wasn't sure why knowing the sex of the baby suddenly made it become so much more real. what if jaehyun didn't want him or the baby?

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