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month seven pt.2

what now?

what now.

that was the only thing running through taeyong's head. he had no back up plan, which was first of all, completely unlike him, and completely unconventional. so right now, he was running on auto pilot because that was the only option he had so he wouldn't have a complete mental breakdown.

so taeyong did what taeyong does best. he ran. as fast and as far away as he could. without a single thing and without looking back. it scared him just how natural it came to him. like he had been doing it his whole life.

he felt his phone vibrate beside him, drawing him out of his thoughts.

47 missed calls from jaehyun💓
23 unread messages from jaehyun💓
1 missed call from haechanie🐻
2 unread messages from haechanie🐻

"baba? can you answer my questions now?" seungjae asked politely from the backseat.

taeyong came to a stop a small restaurant on the way to the airport, not forgetting that his little one was probably starving. that's what being a parent was, putting their needs in front of even your own.

"of course sweetheart. can you wait until we sit down to eat so i can explain? i'm sure your hungry, aren't you baby?" taeyong answered with a fake smile, unfastening his seat belt.

"okay baba." seungjae managed to smile, beginning unbuckle himself.

taeyong came around the corner, opening the door and taking his baby into his arms. it was getting harder to carry him as he was starting to weigh a lot more and his belly was getting in the way. nevertheless, taeyong held him tight to his chest as they walked into the restaurant.

it was pretty empty, taeyong and seungjae and another couple being the only customers. a small grandma approached them with a menu, and warmly took their order. of course, taeyong was in an incredibly amount of pain but somehow seungjae made it a million times easier for him to handle. like he gave him an unimaginable amount of strength.

"may i ask you my questions now,baba?" seungjae questioned, too politely, making taeyong immediately laugh.

"where did you learn how to speak like that? you're even more polite than i am! yes, go ahead ask my anything you want." taeyong replied, taking small sips of his water.

"why was that ugly lady kissing daddy? that's not allowed. only you and i can kiss daddy." he scrunched his eyebrows playing with the straw in his apple juice.

"that's right, daddy wasn't supposed to do that. what he did really hurt me and baba needs some time away from him to feel better. remember when you got sick because you ate too much candy? and you had to stop eating candy for a while until you felt better? it's like that." taeyong explained, trying to make it as simple as he could.

he didn't want to lie to seungjae. children were smart and empathetic enough to understand when things were wrong, especially seungjae who was beyond his age.

"okay, i understand. is baba okay? does baba need some time away from seungjae too? i could stay at school until baba feels better." seungjae sighed, hoping that he didn't need too.

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