15 2 1

I already woke up at 11.30 while Ash still sleeping peacefully in my arm. I grab my phone and open my twitter to see what happens with my idols and there's not much. My mum sent me a text saying 'take care' a few hours ago and Ailouzha said 'use protection', what the hell?

I text Harry asking if he was already awake or nah and he said he is wide awake since 15minutes ago, but the others are still in their dreamland.

I put my phone aside and decided to annoy Ash from his sleep. I poke his cheeks again and again and slip my other hand inside his shirt. Placing my cold hands in his warm waist. It's cold because the air conditioner, not because I'm a vampire or something. (But I wish I was a vampire by the way).

He didn't even stir by the way, so I flick his nose a few times while my other hand tickling his waist.

He squirmed but still not opening his eyes. I put both of my hand on his waist and tickling him until dead. Alright not until death but until he's awake or at least open one of his eyes. He squirms again and tries to move away but I hold his waist to still his movement.

"Ashy wakie wakie it's almost time," I said blowing some air to his earlobe. He shivers and hid his face in my chest.

"C' mon wakie wakie before the other burst in and annoy the hell out of you." I kiss every single part of his face until he shoved me away and giggling lightly.

"Good afternoon!" I said chirpily. He replied with an eye roll but continue giggling.

True to my words, 30 seconds (probably) after he was awake, the door soon swung open revealing the other 6 people in this house and they crawled to the bed and jumping up and down around us while I try to protect Ash from getting crushed by their feet.

"Guys guys, I'm awake I swear!" He said trying to stop them. They still jumping up and down not put any care on Ash. He looked at me pouting like a baby and blinked his eyes a few times.

"Harry, Louis, Barbara, Calum, Crystal, Michael please stop jumping like a mad bitch!" I yelled and they all climb off of the bed.

"Good." I mumbled more to myself actually but Ash heard me and mumbling a 'thank you daddy' I swear this boy need a lesson so he'll stop calling me that.

"Who's excited about the exploring?" Ash yelled and the other cheers in reply.

"Alright alright, here I'll split you guys into two teams and that means 4 people each team. I already made the paper and it's actually a couple inside a paper and that means there is four paper." He pulled out the four paper and put it in front of us.

"Who wanna pick first?" He asked and Harry raised his hand eagerly.

"But what if I get my name?"

"Then you fish the paper again," Ash said casually. Harry push his hand inside the small box and pull out a piece of torn paper.

"Ashton and Luke. Seems like you'll be in my team." He said tossing the paper on Ashton's face. Barbara high-fiving Crystal and Michael nodded his head at Calum.

"We have three mission and they are; One, to find a cute and unique little crab. Two, to carve the members of your team name without the other team to find it, and that means, you have to take a picture of your carving at first and then if you find the other team carved names, you have to take a picture of it too. And three, one of the member should have to do something awesome in the water. We'll meet back at the biggest coconut three at 5. You can have some fun before 5 if you already complete the two challenges. And who will be the judges? Luke's parent and Jordan will be the judges. So we'll record it and after the sunset, we'll doing a face time and show them the recording. Any question?" Ashton explains all the games and the rest of us shake our head.

Long Way Home [Lashton bxb] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now