☘︎ intro (please read) ☘︎

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sunday 17th march 7:23pm

Hehe hi.

ok so yeah i deleted my last imagines book bc i was just getting so lazy so i thought there was no point in continuing to write that book and thought ok i'll just get some inspo first then i can write.

So here i am, a refreshed sister, reclaiming myself, cleansing my mind. This aint yoga class i'n sorry.


I'm really excited to be writing these, idc how many views i get or how many votes, tbh i just wanna express my imagination :,)

My writing may not be gReAt but i'm getting there so have a lil faith mk.

Also i'm definitely nOt gonna be writing any smut bc i suck and they're all gonna turn out cringey and i just can't write it in general so, sorry to disappoint all me smut-loving people out there, i respect ya'll 😔✊🏽

BUT i will definitely be writing some soft stuff and sad ones and like some other things just not smut. I'm still trying to get creative with my ideas so sorry if some of the storylines suck and are a lil cheesy like i said i'm still learning lmao.

AND, i'm only writing grayson imagines (this is literally a grayson dolan imagines book as it says in the title, hello) bc he's my manz and idk in my last imagines book i planned on having waaaay more grayson chapters than ethan bc that's what happens when you're in the right lane(hm, tea).

I might have loooong spaces between updates because i'm almost never inspired and i always need some sort of motivation to get me to write.

A lot of the imagines will be set in america so sorry if some stuff doesn't make sense or doesn't sound right because i have very little knowledge on how everything works there because i'm actually from Australia soo. Yeah a great aussie fun fact, down under 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽

Again sorry if anything doesn't seem right in any of the imagines, i might need an american person to help me with this haha. Just correct me in the comments if anything sounds weird.

first few imagines are pretty cringe so i won't be surprised if you skip them, i honestly hope you do.

Leave requests in dm's or in the comments whenever you like :)

Anyways i hope ya'll anjoy. Love you'se <3

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