sneaking in Ⅲ

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Grayson winced.

"Don't be a baby." Grayson scoffed at her words.

"I'm not." He denied.

"Mmmmhhmmm." She giggled.

"Almost done." Y/n mumbled. She cleaned Grayson's wound and bandaged it up before putting away the medical supplies.

"Thanks for fixing me up, once again, m'lady." He winked.

Y/n rolled her eyes and scoffed. "How many times do i have to tell you? Stop calling me that." She lightly slapped his cheek and smiled.

Y/n laid down on her bed, turning on the tv and putting on some netflix. Grayson sat next to her on his usual spot on the bed.

"What season are we up to?" She questioned.

"Seven i think." Grayson replied. Y/n clicked Season 7 of The Vampire Diaries and laid back more to get comfortable.

They both suddenly heard a knock as their heads quickly snapped towards the door. It opened revealing y/n's dad.

"Night kiddos." He waved and left, closing the door.

"Night." Y/n and Grayson yelled in sync. Grayson met y/n's parents 3 months after they first met. Y/n told the true story about how they met which resulted in a lecture but they ended up loving Grayson and let him into the house whenever he wanted. However, he still climbed up the same route to get to the balcony. Old habits maybe.

Y/n's parents didn't mind though, they never found it disrespectful not saying hello when he came over. Sometimes he would see them when he would go downstairs to get a snack or if he stayed for dinner.

Y/n and Grayson watched a few episodes before getting bored of rewatching the same show for the third time, well, third for Grayson, who knows how many times y/n rewatched The Vampire Diaries.

Y/n switched off the tv and went on her phone, Grayson stayed put. Y/n realised his awkward position.

"You good?" She chuckled.

"Yeah- Uhm. Y/n.." He turned to her. She stared at him with daring eyes.

"Do you ever think of us as.. more than friends..?" He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. Y/n blinked a couple times.

"Uhm." Was all she could say.

"Yeah.. But i don't think we could make it work considering we're graduating in a few months and we might not even go to the same college.." She replied.

"What if we did end up going to the same college?"

"Gray.." She sighed.

"Answer my question, y/n." He demanded. He gulped and waited for an answer. Y/n didn't know how to respond. Yes, she had feelings for Grayson but she was never one to date or be a 'good girlfriend' is what she thought. She was afraid something would break them up like moving to different colleges or maybe he would stop loving her at some point.

"This is so sudden Grayson, i haven't really prepared an answer."

"Have you ever had feelings for me?" He asked. She slowly nodded. Grayson revealed a tiny smile.

"Do you still have them?" She nodded again.

"So then." He said dragging out the 'then'.

"I can't date you Grayson." He frowned at her response.

"Why not?" He seemed a little disappointed. I mean, anyone would if they got rejected by their crush, they would also feel super embarrassed.


"Is it me?" He gulped.

"No- what? Of course not."

"Then what is it?" Y/n sighed rubbing the side of her temple.

"I'm not good at the whole dating thing, Gray. I've never been a what everyone calls a 'good girlfriend.' The last time i had a relationship was last year and that ended really bad. I'm boring nor am i interesting, sometimes i'm not even considered a kind person because i can just be a bitch sometimes. The point is, by the end of the year, you probably won't even love me anymo-" She felt Grayson's soft lips attach to her own. He pulled away and met her teary gaze.

"When i first met you, the first thing you did was let me, a stranger, inside you house. You aided my cuts and bruises, you let me have a shower, you let me stay the night in your own room. If that's not what kind means to you, then i don't know what kind means in your world y/n. I fell for you the moment i saw you. Those beautiful h/c strands of hair, those shimmering, bright eyes that i'm so glad belong to you because they would never look as good on anyone else than they would look on you. Oh and that damn laugh, that angelic sound that spills from your mouth. I don't just love you for your looks, your personality means everything to me as well. Your kind and caring nature, your goofy, adventurous self, everything about you just makes my legs weak. You're incredibly perfect to me." He placed his hand against her cheek as she leaned into it a bit.

"Nothing will stop me from loving you, that's a promise." He gave her a warm smile.

"But what if we don't go to the same college? Not seeing you everyday would kill me. I can't handle long distance." Tears began to appear into the brim of her eyes.

"Don't worry baby, i know you're strong enough to get through it. Nothing can seperate us. I will visit you everyday no matter how far you are." (i'm so single god damn it)

"What if you start seeing someone else?"

Grayson held his hand to his heart. "I would never."

"I fucking hate you for making me cry." They both laugh, y/n wiping the corners of her eyes as Grayson pecked her lips.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too, m'lady."


aaaaand that's the end of that short series thing. i might do a part 4 who knows :)))

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