sleepy angel

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grayson's pov

I lightly tapped the edge of the wheel, pulling up into the driveway. Finally coming home from work, i felt exhausted. Y/n's shift finished a few hours ago so she must've been home by now.

I made my way over inside and searched for y/n. So far, she didn't seem to be downstairs. She did spend most of her time upstairs taking naps when she wasn't painting in her studio or practicing her guitar, or maybe even cooking something up.

I slid off my shoes, and headed upstairs into me and y/n's shared bedroom, discovering her upon the large bed where she slept peacefully. Her arms were sprawled out, one slightly hanging over a pillow that sat beside her.

I slid my bag off of my shoulder, silently placing it next to hers in the corner of the room. I quietly made my way over to her, cautiously crawling on top of the bed not to wake her.

I hovered above her then slowly lowered myself into a spooning position, wrapping an arm around her waist firmly. She shifted a bit, making cute grunts as she moved.

I sighed, causing bits of strands of her hair to spread in different directions. I took my opposite arm and began to massage her scalp. She twitched at the sudden feeling, now i knew she was awake. She always adored the sensation of me playing with her hair or kinda just scratching her head, so i was teasing her a little here.

I removed my arm from her waist as her body turned, her face now in contact with my chest. She snuggled in with my body, trying to get as close as possible. I chuckled at her desperate need for affection.

Her eyes fluttered open as i met her bright and beautiful gaze. Eyes open or not, she still seemed extremely tired.

"Hey." I whispered, leaving a kiss on her forehead.

"Hi." She mumbled.

"Tired, huh?"

Her eyebrows furrowed as she nodded. I chuckled again, kissing the tip of her nose.

"How was work?" She muttered, her eyes remaining closed.

"Tiring." I laughed. "You?" She simply shrugged and looked up, resting her chin on my chest.

"This one customer was giving me a hard time, he thought tacos were a thing to be sold in a flower store." We both giggled, we both sat there in awe, staring into eachother's eyes until i stupidly broke the silence.

"I like times like this, where we're just at home spending time together."

"We do this everyday." She gave me a confused look and chuckled.

"That's why it makes me love it even more, angel." I replied, brushing a loose strand of hair away from her face.

Naps during the day were our thing. Coming home from work then just cuddling the rest of the day, god i loved this girl more than anything.

I still couldn't believe that we had been together for almost two years, all my last relationships didn't go for that long considering those girls were jerks and they either only cared about my looks or about how good i was in bed.

So, i guess i got lucky when i met y/n.


i know i know it's really short and boring but i have no ideas so.. I might spend a little time off of this book for a short amount of time, just until i gather enough ideas and inspiration to write more imagines :) So i might give a little more love to my gd texts book.

Maybe i should write an Ethan's one?

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