sneaking in Ⅰ

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It was a chilly night, due to the cold, rainy weather occuring outside. You were quietly studying on your desk until you heard loud, sudden grunting outside your house.

You opened the doors that lead to your balcony and you peered over the balcony wall. You observe the neighbourhood until you notice a young man, who looked 18, your age, jogging along the pavement on the other side of the road.

He wore a black hoodie, and his dark brown hair was drenched and was flopped over the top of his forehead.

He stopped jogging until he identified you standing at your balcony. He seemed tired, trying to catch his breath. Was he on a run? You thought. Or maybe he was running from something?

Your curious eyes wondered back to the boy who was staring at you. It was a solid 10 seconds of staring before he stood up and walked over below your balcony.

You become nervous. You didn't know this kid, but he looked awfully familiar, maybe someone from your school.

Rained streamed down the sides of his face. He was literally drenched (that's what she said) from the rain.

You felt a slight bit of sympathy for him. It looked like he had nowhere to go. You were too scared to invite him inside considering he was a stranger, but there was a strange feeling that you should let him inside.

However, your parents definitely would not approve to that. They would probably call the police, finding a strange boy with a black hoodie on who is weirdly out on the streets late at night. You also detected deep wounds on his face.

"What happened to you?" You didn't mean to speak, however your sudden curiosity forced you to.

"I got jumped."  He simply replied, looking up at you. You didn't know he would be that honest. You would think he would come up with a stupid excuse to pity him.

"Uhm.. Do you need any help..?" You asked awkwardly.

"Well you probably think i'm some murderer looking for an excuse for you to pity me so i can kill you later in the night."

"That was very... specific?" You secretly twiddled your fingers nervously. You swore you knew him somewhere.

"Well, i'm just guessing that's what you're probably thinking." He shrugged.

"I'm not thinking that at all." You yelled with a slight bit of confidence.

"Is that so? So then what are you thinking then m'lady?" He smirked.

𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑦𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑑𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑛 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠Where stories live. Discover now