sneaking in Ⅱ

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You shut the door to your house and strode down to the side walk and followed the familiar path to school. You took a bite out of your apple as your thoughts ran back to last night.


"Name's Grayson by the way."

"Y/n." You grinned.

"Well m'lady Y/n, how do you expect me to come inside if your front door is closed?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Climb up the balcony." You said in a 'duh' tone.

"I'm not coming through the front door?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"My parents are home, and they're not gonna let a creepy stranger into their house."

"So then why are you letting a creepy stranger into the house?"

"Stop asking questions and get up here already."

"Whatever you say, m'lady ." He winked as you rolled your eyes. He chuckled and observed the front of your house.

"How the heck do i climb up there?"

"That tree." You pointed to the large tree to your right. "Climb up that, and hop onto this ledge here.

Beside your balcony, there was a small slope that was wide enough for Grayson to walk along.

He did as was told, and climbed through the obstacles, eventually reaching your balcony and hopping infront of you. You took a step back, leaving a space between you and Grayson.

"Hello." He muttered.

"Come on." You slapped him playfully, shaking your head slightly as you stepped back inside your room.

Grayson followed behind and closed the door then glanced around the room.


You smiled at the thought. You wondered if he would come back or if he remembered the way to your house. STUPID! You mentally face palmed yourself. You didn't even get his number!

Eventually, you finally reached the entrance of your school and headed inside. You walked to your locker and gathered your books.

You heard loud laughing from the end of the hallway that sounded oh so familiar. You glanced to where he laughter was coming from and notice those brown locks you could recognise from a mile away.


There he was, in all his glory. The boy that sneaked into your room last night, how have you not seen him at school before? Or maybe he was new? No, he couldn't be, you swore you've seen him before he snuck in last night.

You realised another person beside him that looked exactly like him. Perhaps his twin brother? Probably. How have you not seen him before? You thought.

Grayson took notice of you and you quickly looked back into your locker.


She quickly looked away, slamming her locker door shut then swiftly turning around and headed off.

Grayson panicked. He wanted to talk to her before she left.

"Excuse me boys." Grayson said to his group of friends leaving in a hurry. They all gave eachother confused looks as they continued to walk.

Grayson weaved through the crowds of people attemtping to reach y/n.

"Y/n!" He called out. He could see the slightest bit of you through everyone.

"Y/n! Y/n!" He tried again. This time, y/n turned around to find Grayson a few feet away from her. Y/n ignored him then turned back around and picked up her pace a little.

Before she could disappear from his sight, Grayson grabbed her hand, spinning her around.

"Hey." He panted.

"Hi.." she said awkwardly.

"Why did you try to run?" He asked.

"I had to get to class." She giggled. Grayson adored it when she laughed. He thought it was so angelic and cute when she did it. It was music to his ears.

He hadn't known y/n for very long, but he knew he was already falling for her. He was even planning to visit her tonight.

"Hey uhm. Could i get your number before you g-."

"Graybearr!!" Jamie, a fellow 'friend' of Grayson's, latches herself onto Grayson's back.

"Jamie." He laughed. "What're you doing..?" He asked chuckling. Y/n continuously looked back and forth between Jamie and Grayson.

"I'm just seeing my most favourite person in the world." She gave a cheesy grin. Her mood completely changed when she noticed y/n standing infront of Grayson. Jamie shifted beside him and clutched on his arm.

"Who's this?" Jamie's face scrunched up, disgusted by y/n's presence. Y/n scoffed at her comment.

"The name's y/n." She replied sassily. Jamie gave a 'not so impressed' look and faced Grayson.

"So, Graybear i was thinking.." Jamie swirled her finger onto Grayson's bicep. "Maybe we could hang out tonight? My parents aren't home."

"Sorry, Jamie. I'm busy tonight." Grayson turned to y/n and winked then span around and walked away. Y/n's cheeks began to heat up, a usual thing that happened whenever Grayson flattered her or made her feel a sort of way.

"So.. y/n. You and Grayson huh? Well listen up, Grayson is MINE. So stay away from him." Jamie pointed at y/n's chest in attempt to threaten her but y/n just rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Hey! I'm still talking to you!" But y/n already disappeared.


part 3?? yess but i'll be posting later, gnight my lovelies 💞

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