winter things

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You felt a cold sensation spread up and down your body. You squinted, opening your eyes to see it had snowed.

You gasped and smiled widely throwing your warm, white covers off of you and running towards your large window, pressing your fingertips against the glass. You were barely wearing anything, only an oversized shirt and underwear.

You bit your lip excitedly and ran to throw on a random hoodie, sweats, and some soft, comfy socks.

"It snowed! It snowed!" You said hurriedly running down the stairs and throwing yourself out the door. People don't usually make t a big deal if it snowed, however you used to live in Australia where it never even came close to snowing. But today, you were absolutely enthusiastic. It was rare for it to snow in LA, but this morning it somehow did, and it came down a lot.

You closed your eyes, enjoying the moment. You felt a presence behind you so you turned around to see your boyfriend leaning against the fram of the door, smiling.

grayson's pov

She whips her head around, beaming with joy. Gosh i love her so much. She's basically like a ray of sunshine, ironic since she loves winter so much.

"Gray it's snowing!" She points ot her finger. I nod, smiling at her cute reactions to the snow.

"I know." I chuckle.

She giggles and turns back around, jumping off the steps of the porch and shoving her hands into the pocket of her hoodie.

I follow behind, now standing beside her.

"You like it, huh?" I shift to meet her beautiful gaze. So gorgeous she is, so bright and filled with joy, she could light up anyone's day without even trying.

"Cmon let's go inside before you catch something."

"But i wanna playyyy." She pouts

"Later, let's cuddle first." I gently grab her hand and lead her inside.

your pov

It was now around 3pm and it snowed even more than this morning. Grayson made you both a hot chocolate and watched cute winter movies together. You've always enjoyed cute moments like this.

You both played outside for a little bit. You having your first ever snowball fight, you obviously lost and rolled your eyes after Grayson would throw his fists in the air, claiming his victory.

"You cheated!" You argue chuckling at him.

"You just aren't good." He said sticking his tongue out.

"That's not an excuse. It was my first time you should've let me have the win."

Grayson slowly walked towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing his soft lips against yours. Warm was what you thought about them.


You smiled into the kiss, feeling him do the same. You knew how much he loved it when you would smile into his kisses because he knew how much you loved them.

He pecked your lips. and gazed into your eyes.

"Beautiful." He simply said and pecked one last kiss on your cheek and headed towards the couch. You followed behind, slumping next to him, resting your head on his shoulder.

Grayson layed down flat and opened his arms out inviting you to lay on his chest.

You gave in and felt the embrace of his arms touch your waist as his hands crawled up your back as Grayson soothingly rubbed it.

After a few minutes, you both fell sound asleep.


Ok so why do i always find myself writing late at night. it's basically 12:40am rn, lucky me i ain't going to school tomorrow haha losers.

also at first when i was writing this, towards the end it got pretty deep. i don't know i always get distracted and i always drift away from the story line so midway i restarted the middle section and rewrote it into something that wasn't so deep lmao bc i suck at writing sad stories.

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