broken pieces

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"H-hey.. we need to talk.." You looked up at him raising an eyebrow and fiddled with your fingernails nervously.

"What about, Gray?" You pursed your lips waiting for an answer. You leaned back against the kitchen counter and took a long sip of water from your mug.

Grayson stood infront of you calmly.

"I don't know how to tell you this, but.." He took a deep breath. " I think we should break up."

You gagged and began to choke on your drink.

"Oh my god are you okay?" Grayson panicked. He attempted to hold out his hand to help but you swatted it away.

You looked up at him, regaining yourself and stood up straight.

"You think what?!" You squinted your eyes in disbelief. "What the heck? Why?!" You yelled grasping harder into the handle of the mug.

" We've been having a lot of fights lately, and i feel like we don't even love eachother anymore."

" No." You said stepping in.

"You feel like you don't love me anymore, Grayson. I have anger issues. ANGER ISSUES! You know this! We've been dating for a year, you know how sensitive i can get."

When you were 15, you were diagnosed with an anger disorder. It was hard to control most of the time but Grayson was always there to help you, calm you down.

Over the years it got worse. You got involved in several fights with people and was arrested one time, but they let you go after Grayson came to claim you and take you home.

Lately you did notice he was being distant but you shook it off ever time it came to mind.

Rage seeped through the cracks of your skin and rushed throughout your body. Grayson felt a little intimidated but kept his stance.

" I just don't feel that same connection anymore." He said bluntly.

Your lips trembled. You couldn't contain your anger anymore. It was hard to hold back.

"So that entire year of us being together was for what, nothing? You're just gonna throw it all away? Because you can't handle my anger disorder?"

"It's too much for me-"

"So you just faked it this whole time? Being a supportive boyfriend? Caring for me when i really needed it? That was all just a fat lie?"

His head was tilted down, avoiding to make eye contact with you. It was like you couldn't see his eyes.

He slowly nodded once, then finally, it all unintentionally came out

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He slowly nodded once, then finally, it all unintentionally came out.

Using all the rage within you, you held your cup tightly then threw it heavily onto the floor between the two of you.

Glass shattered across the floor board, creating loud, high pitched sounds as they hit the ground.

Broken pieces of glass surrounded the two of you.

Your breathing became heavy as tears welled up into your eyes. Grayson didn't even flinch at your action, instead he let you walk yourself out the door without even looking at you. His eyes stayed glued to the ground, his thoughts bouncing off the walls of his head, thinking what the hell just happened.


Sorry it's been a while since i updated don't kill me 😣

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