never loved you

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You were head over heels for him.
You took him out on dates.
You cooked food for him.
You bought him gifts.
You smothered him with love.
You. You were the only person who told him those three words and meant it.

You were the one holding the relationship together when it was always about to fall apart. He never loved you, but he never told you.
So you were oblivious of course.

You were just another girl to keep around for him, a toy. And as time goes, he would give that toy up and forget about it.

Just as he did to you.

You two were always known as the 'perfect couple'
But was it really perfect?
He ignored you. He never acknowledged you. He hardly spoke of you or even give you kisses.
But you still loved him, because you thought what you two had was real.

Until that one afternoon you saw him with another woman. He was happy with her.
But why not with you?
Why wasn't he as romantic and happy with you than he was with her?
Had you done something wrong?
Had you said something?

Continuous thoughts stuck in your mind till this day. They never left, always
questioning his every move. What had

You thought he...

Loved you..

Were all those nice things he said to you was a lie? Why were you not good enough for him, but she was?

One night after you saw them together, you decided to confront him
about it but you had almost walked in on him..
With her.

You peeked through the crack between the wall and the door and saw him on top of her. They weren't having sex, but what he was doing was still next level.

He left kisses down her neck. He had been so passionate with her. He whispered sweet things into her ear, planting kisses on her glossy lips.

Tears brimmed the corners of your eyes, as your lover's twin brother watched your reaction.

You wiped your cheeks harshly with you sleeve, feeling the tears stream down your face.

"Why?" You said almost in a whisper.

Your lover's brother gave you a sympathetic look.

"Was i just something for him to play around with, meanwhile he was being all googly with her? Or did he think me otherwise and decided after a period of time that i was never worth it?"
You choked on your own words.

You continued to stare down at the floor.

You and both of your head's snapped back to the door when you heard loud muffling coming from the other side.

"Ethan what are you doing standing on the other side of the doo-"

He stopped in his tracks after opening his door realising you were there the entire time.

"Y-Y/n.." He stuttered unsure of what to say.

You couldn't help but sob to the sight of him. You looked away refusing to look into his eyes.

"Had i not been good enough for you, Grayson? Did you only date me for a year because you felt bad for me? Was everything we had just an entertaining game to you, you could just watch wfrom the side? Did you ever even love me, Grayson?"

"I never loved you, y/n." He didn't dare to look at you.

"It must've been really easy for you to say that to me, huh? What was i to you then? Tell me."

He gulped.

"You should go."

"You've always been like that. Too afraid to say something because you're scared of the outcome. Not today i guess when you confessed that our relationship was never real basically." You scoffed.

He glanced back to you as you give him a death stare and walked out of the house.

The girl sat up in Grayson's bed, confused about the situation. She had no idea.

The boys watched as you left, Grayson didn't even try to run after you. But why would you want that anyway? You were done with him.
So done.


okay but like i really like this hELLO, i'm about cry to this ya'll.

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