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i know i haven't updated in aaaaages i literally have no ideas help. I feel like i'm losing interest in the twins and i'm trying to not make that happen? lmao. Ik my friend is gonna get mad at me for saying that bc she knows how much i love them lmaoo I SEE YOU AVA.

don't get me wrong i love them sososo much but i feel like i need somethin freshh but i also wanna keep writing about the twins.

so if you have any requests or ideas that have been buggin you for a while feel free to comment or send it to me privately if you please :)

In the meantime i'm gonna get myself inspired enough to write, even though that's what i've been doing this entire time, i just thought i would update y'all. ❤️

I hope you guys understand, thank you for reading this book, i didn't think a lot of people would read any of my books bc i'm not really a professional at writing but i love it so.

Again, thank you so much for reading, i'll update when i can. 💞

- K

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