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You stared blankly at the wall infront of you, in your boyfriend Grayson's embrace. He was sleeping soundly leaving cute lil snores that escaped through the crack of his lips.

For a while, you felt mentally unstable and couldn't figure why. Grayson didn't know about this so he was completely clueless on what you were going through.. Or was he?

It was dark, around 2am. Obviously unable to sleep, you stared off into the darkness of your room, resting against Grayson's chest.

You cautiously untangled yourself from Grayson's arms, slowly rising from the covers and sitting in the edge of the bed. Gray was a pretty deep sleeper so he didn't even stir after all the movement.

You moved yourself to the bathroom and threw some cold water onto your face to wake yourself up. What's the point in going to sleep now when i'm already awake right? you thought.

You stared at yourself in the mirror for a couple of seconds before your eyes began to well up with tears, soon drifting down your cheeks. You quietly sobbed, covering your mouth with your hands. You couldn't keep still. Your other hand tapped against the cold surface of the sink, as you continued to quietly cry into your hand.

Without even noticing, you were now back i. your bedroom, pacing around the room, tears still streaming down your cheeks.

Why? Why am i like this? I hate it. I hate everything. I hate... me. You did not stop pacing.

What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am i so stupid? I'm always the reason bad things happen. Why? Why? Just why?

Grayson began to stir in his sleep, not feeling the warmth of your body anymore. He sat up, and rubbed his eye letting out a tiny yawn. He then noticed a figure infront of him, quickly moving around the room then taking notice that it's you.

He gives you a worried look and watches as you're still pacing around the room.

"Baby? What're you doing awake?" He says with a husky tone. (ugh sexy)

You didn't answer him, still thinking your thoughts.

Grayson flipped the sheets away from him stepping out of bed, walking towards you. You anxiously bite your nails, silent gasps leaving your mouth. You mumble your thoughts a bit. Grayson gently grabs your shoulder, sliding his hand down to your hand, rubbing it soothingly.

"Hey, look at me." He says almost in a whisper.

You look down at his feet. I hate myself. You repeated in your head.

"You what?." Gray furrows his eyebrows.


"Baby.." He brings his hand up to your cheek gliding his thumb in circles.

Your legs began to feel uneasy as they start to wobble, you crash onto the ground. Your crying begins to echo throughout the room, getting louder each second.

"Y/n! Oh my god." Grayson drops to the floor and pulls you into his arms.

"Shh shh it's okay it's okay." He says rubbing the back of your head.

Grayson lifts you from the ground and carries you back to the bed. You calmed down slightly, whimpering into Gray's chest. The sound of his heartbeat slowed down your breathing, your eyelids became heavy, and you soon drifted off to sleep.

Gray kept you in his embrace, refusing to not let go. He soon fell asleep a few minutes later.

Grayson spent the rest of the week with you, making sure you were okay and making sure you never leave his sight. He comforted you planting kisses all over you to express his love, aand you appreciated it dearly.


why do i always have the motivation to write at literally 3am. My insomnia is kicking in.

𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑦𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑑𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑛 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠Where stories live. Discover now