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It's 11pm and your boyfriend Grayson had just arrived home after a very stressful day at work. He had been moody the entire day, but since his boss made it worse by yelling at him the whole night, Grayson wanted nothing to do with anyone or anything and just desperately wanted to come home and sleep.

Grayson entered the house, consuming the sweet scent of vanilla as it swarms him instantly.

He harshly threw his bag against the wall rubbing his face in distress with his hand.

"Fucking hell." He whispered heading over to the kitchen finding the left over pasta you cooked.

After he finished eating, Grayson stomped upstairs trotting to your shared room, whipping the door open not realising you were asleep.

He quickly walked over to the bathroom, taking a steamy shower. He opened the door, seeing you peacefully sleeping under the covers. He slumped onto the bed on his stomach facing away from you.

You stirred in your sleep, then soon waking up. You sat up squinting your eyes, rubbing them to see properly.

You found Grayson breathing heavily next to you.

You already knew he was in a bad mood so you didn't bother to ask him what was wrong because you knew it would make the situation worse.

So you carefully layed back down into the comfiness of your sheets, your eyes slowly shutting.

Grayson grew extremely frustrated.

"Urrgh." He mumbled sitting up on his elbow, staring down at you.

"Grayson if there's something wrong just tell m-"

"THERE'S NOTHING WRONG ALRIGHT JUST GO TO SLEEP." Your eyes widened at his tone.

You shook it off knowing his temper would ware off in the morning.

But Grayson yelling at you didn't solve anything, so his frustration and stress level grew higher and higher.

He groaned angrily and fiercely swang around flinging his arms onto your waist, grasping you tightly.


"Shut up and cuddle me." His face scrunched up.

You giggled and turned to meet his beautiful yet scary gaze. You had to deal with this almost every night. You found it funny actually, knowing whenever he took his anger on you he still had a soft side.

You beamed, pecking his lips and caressing his cheek.

Grayson looked away shyly not wanting to be mad at you.

"What's wrong baby." You cooed and couldn't help but quietly giggle at his angry expression. Grayson could never go a single hour without staying mad at you.

"Stressful day at work." He mumbled now glancing down to your lips, avoiding eye contact.

"You wanna talk about it?"

He shook his head.

You expected that answer from him, but you know, just in case.

"Just go to sleep baby, i'll be sure to make you a nice breakfast tomorrow morning." You say moving a loose strand of his hair away from his face.

He gave you a small smile. He always loved your cooking.

You both sighed as you closed your eyes and later drifted off to sleep.


I actually laughed pretty hard whilst writing this. Imagine Grayson coming home all moody and then yelling at you to cuddle him, what a bean.

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