Starting Fresh

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I open my eyes, as the sun light shines through the glass I am currently covered by. When it opens, I realize that I had been in some sort of chamber that whole time. But. . . how did I get to where I am now. The last thing I remember was my dad putting me in this thing, and my cat in another. I sat there, wondering as to where he was, or if he was even alive anymore. But that's not the important issue right now. What I need to figure out is where I am. I walk up to the top of a near by hill, and see a large city in the distance. I decide it'd be best to head that way. Maybe someone could tell me where I was. 

As I made my way there, it became more and more apparent to me that this isn't the world I grew up in. And, being the age of 14, I began to wonder why my dad decided I should be the one in the chamber. Was he saving my life? And if so, from what? And how did nothing but a chamber save me from whatever the supposed threat was? 

As I stumbled my way into the city, I realized that there wasn't many people around. I kept looking around, until I reached what I could only assume was the main square. Many buildings surrounded me. And while I was looking around, a screen on the main tower lit up, and started to play a short jingle. And then it cut to two. . . humans? But they had tentacles for hair. Strange, some sort of cephalopod human hybrid. And then, they started talking.

Pearl: Y'all know what time it is

Marina: It's Off the Hook coming at you live from Inkopolis Square.

Inkopolis. Interesting name. I stopped paying attention after I heard the name, and started to look around again. And, as I looked, I realized that there was nothing but those cephalopod humans. I soon realized that one of them was. . . looking at me? They started walking towards me. And as they did, I could feel my heart pounding. They were. . . cute. Like, really cute. The light pink hair with two tentacles drooping down from the sides of their heads, down to about their waist. When they were face to face with me, there was silence. But then, I started talking to her

(Y/N): "Hello there." I said, not knowing how they'd respond.

Grace: Hi. My name is Grace. First, what are you? And second, what's your name?

She said in a very calm tone.

(Y/N): "My name is (Y/N). It's nice to meet you. As for your first question, I'm a human. Wh-" She cut me off.

Grace: Y-you're a human? Like, an actual human?

(Y/N): Yes. . . aren't you a human too?

Grace: No, I'm an inkling. And some of the others are octolings. 

(Y/N): Ok. . . so where exactly can I go to find a home?

Grace: Well, you can just find a vacant one. But because you're a human, maybe you'd be fine with staying with me for a bit? I've always wanted to know more about them.

(Y/N): (Thinking) Oh god. I know that I'm blushing right now. I'm blushing so hard that someone could see it from space. The girl I just met, and find really cute, just asked if I wanted to stay with her. I had to respond with an answer. But I didn't want to make it seem like I had a crush on her. As if it wasn't obvious from the blushing "Uh. . . sure. I guess I'll tell you what I know about humans. By the way, how old are you?

Grace: 14. And you?

(Y/N): I'm also 14.

Grace: I feel like we'll be good friends (Y/N).

As we started walking, I decided I'd ask a question.

(Y/N): Do you still live with your parents?

Grace: Yeah. They're really nice people. You'll like them when you meet them. 

(Y/N): I look forward to meeting them.

I continued following here, and kept talking to her to try and figure out more about her personality. 

(Y/N): So. . . what do you like to do?

Grace: Well, like most inklings and octolings, I enjoy turf war. I don't really take them too seriously though. I just join them to have fun. I never really do rank battles though.

(Y/N): What's a "Turf War"? 

She looked at me for a second with a confused look on her face.

Grace: (giggles) Turf wars are very popular here. You cover the area that you're in with your color of ink. And the other team does the same. You can splat your opponents, which buys time to cover more ground with your color of ink. Which ever team has the most ground covered in their ink color wins.

(Y/N): That sounds like fun.

Grace: It is. Trust me, you'll love it!

She was smiling at me, and that's when I began to wonder. Does she like me as well? I decided to wait to ask her for now. Maybe tell her how I feel in a few months from now. 

As we slowed to a stop, I realized this was it. We were at her house. It was a rather long walk, but it was fun talking to her. She grabbed my hand, and walked up to the door. I was blushing hard. Her hand was so soft, and I felt like I never wanted to let go of her hand. She pulled a key out of her pocket, and unlocked the front door.

Grace: Mom! Dad! I'm home! And I brought company!

I looked around the house. To the left of the entrance was a really nice looking living room with a large television mounted to the wall. On the right was the dinning table, and through the door way next to it, was what I could only assume to be the Kitchen. Behind the couch, was a staircase that lead upstairs, and to the basement. And straight ahead, was the bathroom. I heard the stairs creaking, and two adult inklings emerged from the basement.

Mom: Hi sweetie, who's your friend?

Grace: Mom, Dad, I'd like you to meet (Y/N).

Mom: It's nice to meet you (Y/N)

(Y/N) It's nice too meet you as well. . . uh. . .

Mom: My names Margo. And that guy over there is Robert.

Robert: What's up dude?

(Y/N): Not much. How about yourself?

Robert: Good, good. Well, go and make yourself at home in the living room. We'll be right with you.

(Y/N): Alright.

I walked over to the couch and turned on the tv. Let's see, hey look! Spongebob still exists in this world! I found my entertainment for the time being. 

Margo: So Grace, what is he?

Grace: He's really nice.

Robert: No, she meant what species is he? He doesn't look like your typical inkling. Or octoling for that matter.

Grace: Oh! He's a human!

Margo and Robert: Th- wh- They still exist?

Grace: Mhm. 

Margo: And you invited him here after just meeting him?

Grace: Yup. He's really nice.

Robert: Alright, I'll give him a shot. He seems like a nice kid. It's just that, your mom and I have never seen a human before. Hell, practically no one has seen one who's still alive today. So just make sure you stay safe around them, ok?

Grace: Ok dad.

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