Dinner is served

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Grace P.O.V

I woke up in my bed, not remembering how I got there. Last thing I remember, I was down by the beach in (Y/N)s arms watching the waves hit the shoreline. I tried to get up, and felt a sharp pain run down my spine. I yelped in pain, and heard someone rushing up the stairs.

(Y/N): Grace, are you okay?

I tried to turn my head to look at him. 

(Y/N): No, don't try to move much. 

He came over and sat on the bed next to me. I felt my lips curl into a smile.

(Y/N): Good afternoon sunshine~ 

Grace: Hi.

(Y/N): You feeling any better?

Grace: Not really. I feel so much pain from my shoulders down to my legs.

(Y/N): Calm down, everything is going to be ok.

He gently put his arm around my neck as he laid down next to me.

Grace: (Y/N), thank you for everything so far. I don't ever want to lose you.

(Y/N): It's ok. I'll never leave you, I promise. I'll always be here for you. We'll get through everything together, okay?

Grace: Alright.

We lied there together, looking into each other's eyes for a while.

Margo: Hey, is everything alright up here?

Grace: Hi mom.

Margo: Oh sweetie, I heard about what happened, are you alright?

Grace: Not really.

Margo: Well here, I made both of you dinner. You can eat it in here as long as you don't make a mess.

Grace: Thank you!

Margo: Your welcome dear. Enjoy you two.

She left the room, and I saw (Y/N) looking at the food.

(Y/N): Hey look, soup! 

We started eating, and by that I mean. . . he started eating. He took a break from eating the soup to look at me struggling to eat.

(Y/N): Do you want me to help you?

Grace: No.

I tried to life my arms to grab my food, but instead I cringed in pain, and fell over.

Grace: *sigh* yes.

(Y/N): (giggles) That's what I thought.

He put his bowl of soup down, picked mine up, and brought it closer to me. He picked up the spoon, and started feeding the soup to me like I was a toddler. I felt myself blush in embarrassment, and just looked at his calm demeanor. He didn't seem to mind feeding me like this. But I sear, if he sa-

(Y/N): Here

Grace: No. . .

(Y/N): comes

Grace: Stop!

(Y/N): Air

Grace: No no no no. Stop! That's just embarrassing (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Aww come on. I'm just having a little fun. It's not like people can hear or see this.

Grace: I know but, this isn't what couples do. . . right?

(Y/N): Yes, from how I remember my parents acting anyway. My dad always embarrassed my mom. 

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