Getting Clothes

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Grace P.O.V

We got in the car, and set out for Inkopolis Square. (Y/N) was looking out the window, his face practically glued to the glass.He seemed so interested in whatever he was looking at, so I decided not to bother him.

(Y/N) P.O.V

Looking out the window of the car revealed many things to me. The world was a much different place now. Passing through the neighborhood, you noticed all the inklings and octolings having fun together. They were kicking soccer balls, and throwing footballs and tennis balls to one another. It reminded you about what your dad told you. "When you wake up, don't expect it to look similar at all. But the one thing you must remember, is that the people are still people, just like you and I. Promise me you'll remember that." I did. And as the car started to slow down, I realized that we were on a highway. From it, I could see these two tall ramp like towers that connected in a rather oddly shaped area in the middle. 

Robert: Great, traffic. Just what I need. 

Grace: Well, I guess we'll be stuck here for a bit.

(Y/N): Guess so.

I continued looking out the window, and realized how silent it was in the car. I turned to Grace, and waited for her to notice. I couldn't really think of much to say.

Grace P.O.V

I looked out the window at the cars slowly driving by. I zoned out for a moment, thinking about (Y/N). I thought about our future together. What would happen if we got to the point of marriage? Would it work? Am. . . Am I blushing right now? I stopped looking out the window, and realized that (Y/N) was looking at me.

Grace: Oh. Did you want to tell me something?

(Y/N): Yeah. . .

Grace: What is it?

(Y/N): What do you think the future holds for us?

Grace: di-did you just read my mind?

(Y/N): I guess the slow passing cars gave us similar ideas.

Grace: Well, I was thinking. . . what if we. . . you know

(Y/N): Yeah, I was thinking that as well. I-I'd like that.

Grace: Huh?!

I looked at him. And somehow, after he said that, I felt as if he was, more attractive? We put our arms around each other, and waited out the rest of the car ride. But me? I was wondering if what he said was true. Would he actually marry me?

Robert: Finally off the highway. Alright, we'll be at the square in about a minute or so.

As the car came to a stop, my dad got out first. (Y/N) and I held hands as we exited the car, and walked to the store. A few inklings looked at us. It's not very often that you see inklings so close to one another. But the thing is, he wasn't an octoling or an inkling. He was a human. Weather or not they realized didn't matter to me. He's still polite, respectful, and cute.

(Y/N) P.O.V

We walked into the first store, which oddly enough only sold shirts. 

Robert: Alright (Y/N), look around, see what you can find.

He didn't even turn around to look at me. And I fear that if he did, he would've freaked out about me holding his daughters hand on the second day that we knew each other. So Grace and I stopped holding hands until we were out of Robert's sight. I didn't want him to catch onto how I felt about his daughter.

(Y/N): Ok, let's see here. . .

Grace: Hey, (Y/N)! Look at what I found!

I turned around to see her holding three different shirts. One that had a red and black horizontal line pattern with a blue cuff. Similar to the one she has, except definitely aimed more at boys. A navy blue shirt with white dots all around it, and a gray hoodie with blue text on the front of it.

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