Their First Date

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Grace P.O.V

When the bell rang, all the students stood up, and started walking out. (Y/N) had already left the classroom, when an octoling boy grabbed my shoulder.

Octoling Boy: You made a big mistake telling me to shut up earlier, Grace. . .

Grace: W-who are you?

Octoling Boy: The names Nick. I'm respected by everyone here, and I can easily turn everyone against you. So don't test me. All these people who look at me as powerful, just lost a whole lot of respect because a girl told me how to act.

Grace: Look, I don't care, ok? I don't talk to any of these people, and I don't care if they'd look at me in a different way than they do now. 

He took his other hand, and pinned both of my shoulders to the wall.

Grace: L-let go of me!

Nick: You're not leaving here without a few bruises to learn your lesson.

Grace: (Y/N)!

Nick: HA! Calling out for the new kid. Just because you helped him out, doesn't mean he's going to return the favor.

His grip got tighter, and he shoved me against the wall with more force than the last time. I felt pain shoot through my whole body. He was bearing his teeth with a menacing smirk.

(Y/N): HEY!

Nick: Well well well. What do we have here?

(Y/N): Let her go, now.

Nick: Fine, fine.

I fell to the floor, causing pain to my lower back. I couldn't move my arms without feeling pain. I looked up, and saw pure rage in (Y/N)'s eyes.

(Y/N): Go. Away.

Nick: Hmph, fine. You're new here, so I'll let you off on a warning. But if either get in my way, there will be hell to pay.

He turned, and walked out of class. 

(Y/N): Grace, are you alright?

I was lying there, shivering in pain as tears started to run down my face. His eyes widened, and he kneeled down close to me. He stretched his arm out and lightly placed his hand on my left shoulder. I shivered in pain, and he swiftly moved it away. He looked me right in my teary eyes.

Grace: (Y/N). . .

(Y/N): Yes?

Grace: I. . . don't think. . . I can. . . go on our. . . date.

(Y/N): I know Grace, I know. 

Grace: P-please. D-don't be disappointed.

(Y/N): Grace, it's ok. That guy had no right doing that to you. I don't want to see you force yourself to go out when you aren't able to. 

Grace: Th-thank you. C-c-can you help me up.

(Y/N): I'll try, I just don't want to hurt you.

He reached out, and gently wrapped his arms around my back. He slowly picked me up bridal style, making sure to support every part of me to try and minimize the pain.

(Y/N): Is this good?

Grace: Yes, thank you.

I didn't have many words coming to my mind. I had a pounding head ace, my whole back felt like there were knives sticking into it, and my legs felt like noodles. 

(Y/N): Grace?

Grace: Yeah?

(Y/N): Is there a beach here?

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