Monday School Day

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Grace P.O.V

Last night, I set an alarm so that I wouldn't forget to wake up for school. I also didn't want (Y/N) to show up late to school on his first day. So I let it go off as I grabbed my school uniform, and went downstairs to take a shower.

(Y/N) P.O.V

I wake up, and the first thing I notice is that there was am alarm clock going off. Except it was on the other side of the room. So I had to get up, out of bed, and turn it off. At that point, I was too awake to simply just go back to bed. So I went over to the closet, only to see a note hanging on it.

Robert's Handwriting: Good morning (Y/N). Putting this note here so you know to grab your school uniform instead of your normal clothes. Hope they fit you.

Oh Great, a school uniform that I have to  wear. So I opened the closet, and sure enough, there it was. Hanging in the middle of all my clothes, with it's own pair of shoes to go with it, and a black pair of socks. I took it, and went downstairs to take a show. But when I got down there, I saw the bathroom door was closed. Grace was in there. That is when you had the realization that she would be wearing a uniform too. Considering what mine looked like, I had an idea as to what hers would look like. I waited for her to come out of the bathroom. I hear the shower turn off, and a few minutes later, the door opened, and Grace stepped out in her school uniform. I drooled over how cute she looked. A formal cream colored vest covered by a black overcoat with a pink and white checkerboard like patter all around a short little skirt. And to top it off, the same pair of shoes that I had on.

Grace: (Y/N), you're drooling again.

(Y/N): S-sorry. You look re-really cute right now.

Grace: (Y/N), stoooop!

She got really embarrassed and looked down at her shoes. I gave her a quick hug and pat on the head, before heading into the bathroom.

Grace P.O.V

He always makes me feel good about myself. I go upstairs , grab my backpack, my book, and head back downstairs. I want to be ready to read for him, and still have time afterwards to get to school early enough for breakfast. I go into the living room, and sit down on the couch, placing the book next to me while I waited for him. I looked down at what I was wearing, and remembered what (Y/N) said about how cute I looked in it. I smiled, and thought about how he was going to look in his. I've seen other inkling and octoling boys wearing their uniforms, but I never felt attracted to them. But (Y/N) was different. Even though I just met him on Saturday, I feel as though there's something special between the two of us. And when I think about that, I remember the dreams I have about our future together. The places we'd go together, the things we'd do together. Although I may wake up disappointed to realize that none of the things that happened in the dreams actually happened, I'm still overjoyed when ever I'm with him. Which so far, has been these past two days. I heard the bathroom door open, and held myself back from just springing off of the couch to see what he looked like. 

(Y/N): Grace?

Grace: I'm in the living room.

(Y/N): How do I look?

He came around the corner, and I caught my first look at him. He was really handsome. And this time, I was the one drooling. . .

(Y/N): Hey now! Don't start acting like me!

Grace: I. . . I. . . You're. . .

Come on Grace, pull yourself together! Just breath, and tell him what you think.

Grace: You l-look. . . h-ha. . . handsome.

My lips were quivering with each word. He was blushing a deep red, so I stood up from the couch, looked him in the eyes. . . and kissed him. He put his arms around my waist, and I put mine around his neck, and we stood there kissing. Eventually, it escalated slightly into sort of a make out session between the two of us. We kinda were just standing there, embracing one another, and kissing. I felt his hands slide down past my waist, and onto my skirt. He then pushed inward on my skirt, eventually touching my butt. He had his hands on my butt, and I let him do it. After two or so minutes, we stopped making out, but our hands were still in the same positions. I moved my right hand up to his head, and ran my hand through it. It was easy to push my hand through it, yet it didn't feel like mine. It kind of felt like a sweater. I watched curiously as the hair my hand passed through squashed down, before springing back forward, not even a second after my hand was past it.

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