Grace's Birthday

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(Y/N) P.O.V

After going through my first full week of school, the weekend had come. And I was just waiting until Sunday to give my present to Grace for her birthday. I had gotten out of bed before she even woke up Sunday morning, and got myself ready. I'd taken a shower earlier that day, and was dressed in my gray hoodie and pants. It was oddly cold out for what month it was. I was sitting on the couch watching tv for a good hour or so after I was fully ready until I heard a door upstairs open. At first, I thought it was Grace, but it was actually Robert coming down the stairs. I checked the time, the tv said it was 6:15 am. 

(Y/N): Good morning.

Robert: What's up kid?

(Y/N): Not much, you?

Robert: Well, I just got up. Anyway, why are you up so early? 

(Y/N): I wanted to get ready before Grace so I could spend a lot of time with her on her birthday.

Robert: Well that's really sweet of you. Oh, that reminds me. You bought a gift for her, didn't you? Let me just grab that for you.

He swiftly went back upstairs, and not a minute later, he returned holding the same box that I originally put the dress and hair clip in. I looked inside to see if the dress was as beautiful as I remember it looking. And sure enough, it did.

(Y/N): Where's the wrapping paper?

Robert: Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I'll go rap it for you real quick if you don't mind.

(Y/N): No, I can do it.

Robert: Alright, I'll go get it for you then.

He descended into the basement for a few minutes. When he returned, I quickly got to wrapping the box up in the red wrapping paper. Once I was done, I handed the paper back to Robert. He returned it to it's proper place, and I sat down on the couch, with Grace's present resting beside me. And at around 6:45, I heard another door open from upstairs. At first, I thought that it was Margo, but to my surprise and pleasure, it was Grace.

(Y/N): Good morning sunshine~

Grace: Good morning (Y/N)~

(Y/N): Happy birthday!

Grace: Thank you!

I got off the couch and and went in for a hug. I gave her a kiss on the lips, in which she gladly returned it as we pulled each other closer to one another. 

Grace: I'm going to take a shower real quick, ok?

(Y/N): Alright. Are we going out today?

Grace: Yeah! I can't wait for tonight. And nothing will get in the way this time.

(Y/N): I'm spending the whole day with you, so we'll be fine.

Grace: Aww, thanks! See you in a bit.

I gave her a kiss on the forehead, and she turned around and went into the bathroom.

Margo: That much huh?

I was caught off guard by Margo's sudden presence in the room. I had hardly realized that she too was now down in the living room with everyone else.

(Y/N): That much. . . what?

Margo: You love her that much, huh?

(Y/N): Oh. . . yeah. I really do.

Margo: What did you get her anyway?

(Y/N): You'll see.

Margo: Robert, please tell me you at least know what he got her?

Robert: Nope.

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