Power's out

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Margo P.O.V

I pulled up to the curb in front of the house. With my husbands car being gone, I assumed that Grace and (Y/N) would be out having fun as friends. I unlocked the front door, and stepped inside. I went into the living room, and was caught off guard by what I saw. (Y/N) and Grace were both there, on the couch, asleep. I looked at them, and I instantly started jumped to conclusions. Her head was up against his chest, facing the tv. And her arms were wrapped around his upper body. And he had one hand on her hair, and the other wrapped around her waist. Were they more than just friends? Have they kissed? What the hell is (Y/N), some random STRANGER doing with my daughter on the SECOND day they've known each other? I was about to yell to get them up. . . but I couldn't. Grace seemed so at peace right now, and well, what kind of a mother would I be to take that way from her? I let them sleep, and went up stairs to my room. I made the bed, and turned on the tv that was on top of the dresser, against the wall. While flipping through the channels, I remembered that a new episode of my favorite sitcom was set to record last night. While I was watching it, I had to wonder. . . how long have they been asleep? I was cut off by the intro of the show.

Grace P.O.V

I opened my eyes, and saw the tv was still on. When I tried to move, I realized that (Y/N)'s arm was around my waist, and my arms were around him. Lying there in his arms was giving me sense of safety. I looked up at him, still sleeping, his other arm resting in my hair. I turned my attention back to the tv. . . at least until he woke up. The whole time I watched tv, I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face.

(Y/N): (Whispers) Good morning sunshine~

Grace: (Whispers) Good morning! How'd ya sleep?

(Y/N): (Whispers) Better than last night.

Grace: (Whispers) I feel the same way. . .

We looked at each other for a moment, and the he started to stroke my hair again.

Grace: Hey!

(Y/N): What? Do you want me to stop?

Grace: No. . . I like it. It calms me down.

(Y/N): When do you think your mother will come home?

Grace: I don't know. She might already be home though. Why?

(Y/N): I don't know how she'd react to seeing us in this position.

Grace: We just explain the truth. It doesn't matter if she believes it or not. As long as both of us know that we're telling the truth.

(Y/N): Yeah. . .

Margo: I heard you two talking, so assumed I'd come down here to say hi.

Grace: Hi mom.

Margo: Just a quick question. I walked in about 15 minutes ago, and saw you two sleeping. How close of friends are you?

Grace: We're really close. We're not dating, we just enjoy being together.

(Y/N) looked down and shot me a smirk, which made me blush.

Margo: Alright. . . oh and (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Hm?

Margo: Don't put your hand any lower than my daughters waist, Got it?

(Y/N): Al-alright.

Margo: Good. I'm glad we understand each other.

My mom walked back up to her room, and I looked back at (Y/N). He looked like he had seen a ghost.

Grace: Hey, are you alright?

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