The Blushpocalypse

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Grace P.O.V

After talking with my parents, I walked over to the couch to sit with (Y/N). I realized he was watching Spongebob.

Grace: Who you callin' pinhead? 

He started to laugh hysterically. And that made me smile.

(Y/N): You watch this show too?

He said while trying to control his laughter.

Grace: Yeah! I love this show! It's really popular around here ya know.

(Y/N): Good to hear. I'm glad I can talk about this show to other people.

I sat down next to him, and starred at him for a little bit. Just like when I first met him, I noticed that he was really attractive. And, he only got more attractive when he looked me in the eyes. I couldn't help but notice that I was beginning to blush, so I refocused my attention to some guy getting hit in the head by two coconuts. 

(Y/N): So, Grace? 

Grace: Yes?

(Y/N): Do you play any video games?

Grace: Yeah! They're really popular in the square.

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Grace: You know, the DDR game in the square. There was also some old arcade machines in the plaza that were recently auctioned off.

(Y/N): You mean. . . you don't have consoles?

Grace: What's a console? 

(Y/N): Let me try and explain this to you. It's basically an arcade cabinet, but smaller, plugs into the tv, and you can swap what game you're playing with ease.

I sat there confused. What in the world is this kid going on about? How can you have a smaller arcade cabinet? How can you change what game you're playing, and how does it hook up to your tv? So many questions were buzzing around in my head at once. But one that kept popping up over and over again was "Does he like me back"? 

Margo: Grace, (Y/N), dinner!

I watched as (Y/N) got up, and reached his hand out for mine. I grabbed it, and he pulled me up onto my feet. He then continued to hold my hand as he started to walk into the dinning room. I let him. It felt nice, and it made me happy. We sat down next to each other at the table, still holding hands, underneath the table. Mom was still getting the food ready, but my dad came out of the kitchen to sit down at the table with us.

Robert: So, (Y/N), how old are you?

(Y/N): 14.

He answered with no hesitation. My dad seemed shocked by this answer. I think it's because he expected for (Y/N) to be much older.

Robert: I'll tell ya what (Y/N). If you want to, you can live with us. You seem nice enough. And my daughter seems to be getting along with you very well.

(Y/N): Thanks Robert. And as for your offer, I accept.

Robert: Good to hear. We'll have your room set up in a couple of days. Until then, you can sleep on the couch if you want. Unless you have another idea.

Grace: uh, dad?

Robert: Yes sweetie?

Grace: Do you think it'd be fine if. . .

I started to blush at the mere thought of it.

Robert: Do I think it'd be fine if what?

Grace: Would it be fine if (Y/N) slept in my room with me?

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