Day 2

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Grace P.O.V

I woke up early in the morning to see (Y/N) still asleep. I didn't want to wake him up because he was probably dreaming. That and he looks so cute right now. I slowly got out of bed, making sure not to wake him. As I stepped onto the ground, I went over to my closet to see what I was going to wear today. I pulled out my salmon colored polo, a pair of shorts, and grabbed my glasses from the nightstand. I also took one of the books from underneath it with me. I've read it once before, but it's always fun to reread books you haven't read in a while. On my way out, I put the shirt and pants down by the dresser for now. I went downstairs, and sat down on the couch. I opened the book at page one, and started reading it.

(Y/N) P.O.V

I woke up to see Grace wasn't next to me. She must already be up and ready for the morning. I looked into the closet, and grabbed a pair of shorts, and a long sleeve shirt with dark and lime green horizontal stripes on it. When I turned around, I noticed there were clothes set out on the floor next to the dresser. I set mine down next to them, and headed downstairs. I saw Grace lying across the couch, reading a book. 

(Y/N): Good morning sunshine!~

Grace: AH! Who. . . oh. It's you, (Y/N). I was wondering when you'd get up. How are you today?

(Y/N): Good. What are you reading?

Grace: It's this old book I've had for a while. It's about a creature from another world learning how to act like the others who now surround him.

(Y/N): That sounds interesting. 

Grace: I could read some of it to you if you want me too. After I shower real quick.

(Y/N): You haven't showered yet?

Grace: I was waiting for you to get up, so I could talk with you a bit as soon as you woke up.

(Y/N): Oh. Well, thanks for waiting for me then.

Grace: You're welcome~

I know that I only just met her yesterday, but within the past 24 hours, we've both flirted with one another numerous times. Her more than I have. I turned on the tv, and watched Spongebob for a bit while I waited for her to get out of the shower. It was the ending of one of the greatest episodes as well.

                                                                      *You are now entering Cartoon*

Squidward: I knew this was going to happen. They're just gonna have to find a new band to play. I just hope that Squilliam doesn't find out! AH! What are you doing here?!

Squilliam: I just wanna watch you blow it. So, where's your band?

Squidward: Uh, they couldn't come. They. . . died.

Squilliam: The who's that?

Squidward: AHH! That would be my band!

Spongebob: We're Ready to perform Squidward!

Squilliam: Well Squiddy, this is exactly how I imagined your band would look.

Squidward: That's his eager face.

Squilliam: (Laughs)

Squidward: I guess this will be the last time I can show my face in this town.

Spongebob: That's the spirit Squidward!

Football Announcer: Okay, football fans. Put your hands together for the Bikini Bottom Super Band!

Patrick: These are some ugly looking fish.

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