No longer alone

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I woke up to the first time in ages on my own in bed, no Joe next to me. I was so confused, he stayed at mine last night but he wasn't here. I looked at the clock and saw it was about 5:30, I heard muffled noise coming from the twins room so I just guessed that amber probably had another nightmare and Joe was helping her.
I got out of bed and went into the twins room to see Joe and amber sat on the floor talking, amber looked really happy. She was smiling a lot, I was so confused.
D"Morning you two"
J"Morning gorgeous"
A"Morning Dianne"
D"How comes you guys are up so early"
A"I got really excited when I woke up so I came into your room and woke up Joe so I could tell him what happened"
D"What happened lil one"
A"I had a dream, not a nightmare, a dream"
D"Oh my god amber that's amazing"
A"I've never had a good thought during my sleep, but now I have"
D"What was it about"
J"Di she won't tell me, she won't tell anyone"
D"Why not"
A"Because it's a secret"
J"Come on amber, this is such a massive improvement for you. We wanna know"
D"Please amber"
A"Fine, it was me into the future with a family of my own. I had two twins with my identical girls, and Noah was there as well but that's probably cause he's my best friend"
D"What did the twins look like"
A"They had blonde hair and blue eyes"
J"They see beautiful, I'm so happy for you little one for finally having a dream"
D"I'm going to go and call Andrew now, how you wanna come"
J"Yeah sure"
D"Amber try and get a little bit more sleep, you haven't got to be awake for about another hour and a half"
A"Ok night Joe, night Dianne"
Me and Joe tucked amber into bed both of us placing a kiss on her forehead. We then walked hand in hand to my room and cuddle up on my bed.
J"You gunna call Andrew then"
D"Not until 6 no, I wanted to talk to you first"
J"Sure what about"
J"You think when he was in Amber's dream that he was actually with amber"
D"Yes, I mean amber has brown hair and Noah has blonde hair. If the twins in that dream had blonde hair then it probably means that amber sees a future with noah"
J"See keeps saying how hes her bestfriend but they probably don't understand what the feelings they are feeling means at the moment"
D"One thing I do know is that I like Noah, he seems shy but amber is honestly so happy around him. And because of him she's had a dream, finally a good nights sleep"
We fell into a comfortable silence, Joe held me close and every so often he kissed the back of head he sending shivers down my spine. I turned around so our faces were inches apart. I closed the gap between us, our lips moving in sinc with each other's, I felt so happy with Joe. We pulled away breathless, I rested my head on Joe chest and whispered to him,
D"I love you so much suggy"
J"I love you to the moon and back reddo"
We went back into our comfortable silence, just laying there in each other's arms. The silence was broken by my 6 o'clock alarm, telling me to phone Andrew.

Time skip to the walk to school

The four of us were just walking to the twins school, the walk wasn't too far but it was that close either. It is about a 20 minute walk, on the way we saw Noah. Sitting on a bench on his own, it looked like he had been crying. I looked around to try and spot his mum but she was no where to be seen.
As soon as amber saw him she ran over to him, pulling him into a massive hug, his face lit up a bit when he saw her but now I could clearly see that he was crying.
Am"Noah what happened"
N"Nothing it's fine"
Am"Noah please tell me, your obviously not fine"
N"It's just my mum again, she's working and so I have to make my own way to school. But I got lost its no big deal"
D"Noah, why is your mum making you go to school on your own your only 10 years old"
J"Not to mention only in year 5"
N"She's at work, so there was no other way"
D"She has my number she could have asked me to come get you. Noah if this happens again please get your mum to tell me to come get you"
N"Ok I will, that you Dianne"
D"It's ok Noah"
J"Now come on your little ones. We need to get you to school so we can go to school ourselves"
We all started walking to school amber and Noah leading holding hands, Austin in the middle and me and Joe at the back also holding hands. After a while Austin stood next to amber and she grabbed hold of his hand as well. It made me so happy to see not only the twins happy and living a much better life since I met them. But also to see another little boy happy because of amber.
I knew Noah needed some help, I just didn't know how much yet.
When we got to the school we walked up to there classroom,
T"Good morning you five, Noah where's mummy"
N"She's at work again"
T"Oh ok, you little ones go on in and set yourself up ok"
N&A&A"Yes Mrs Campbell"
They said goodbye to me and Joe before going into there class
D"Mrs Campbell I thought I would let you know that I found Noah sitting on a bench this morning crying. He said that his mum went to work early and he had to come to school by himself but he got lost"
J"Also last night his mum didnt collect him until really late at night, it was definitely way past the twins bedtime and nearly ours as well"
T"Thank you for informing me you two, I am definitely going to investigate this"
D"Ok thank you"
T"Have fun at school you two"
J"Thanks you"
And with that we went to school ourselves.

*time skip to lunch


I walked into the lunch room expecting to go and sit on my own again, well that was until I felt amber grab my hand. She smiled at me, she led me over to her table with her friend lily. I sat down and got out my notebook, I kept my head down and didn't look up.
L"I'll be back amber ok"
Lily left, and I looked up slightly to check she was gone.
A"Hay Noah, you ok"
N"Yeah I'm fine, just confused that's all"
A"What about"
N"This, how comes I'm sitting with you. No one ever sits with me"
A"Because your my bestfriend in the whole world, and guess what"
A"I had my first dream last night, I've only ever had nightmares"
N"That's amazing amber"
I pulled her into a hug causing us both to smile. I noticed her cheeks go red, so I thought she might be hot.
N"I'll be back in a second"
I got up and walked over to the fountain, I got amber a cup of water and took it back to her.
N"Here you go, your cheeks went red so I thought you might be hot"
A"I'm not hot, but thank you"
It was in this moment sitting with amber that I realised that I'm no longer alone.


Yet another chapter about amber and Noah, I do apologize for anyone who doesn't like it not being completely focused on Joe and Dianne. But I kind of like this storyline and I'm going to try and link it to joanne in the next chapter. I hope you guys like this chapter.

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