Game day

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Me and Dianne got ready for the day and by me and Dianne I mean me. Dianne was already finished by the time I had invited everyone over, said bye to my dad and gone upstairs. I jumped into the shower quickly, when I got out I noticed that Dianne had layed out a pair of clothes for me to wear, I put them on and then went downstairs to see Dianne setting up ready for everyone to get here. She had already put 14 glasses on the table (as there was 14 of us in our group) and she had also put out three jugs, two with juice in them and one with water. I walked over to help Dianne as she was making some snacks for everyone, together we made some chocolate chip cookies. We set them on the table alongside the glasses and jugs, then we went into the living room and sat down. Dianne sat on my lap and snuggled into my chest, she was fiddling with the promise ring I gave her yesterday. I found this so cute, I was so happy she accepted it.

Knock knock knock

J"It's open guys" I shouted through
Within a few seconds stacey, Kevin, Lauren, AJ, Connor and jack walked into the living room. They all sat down and started asking questions about yesterday. I whispered into Diannes ear,
J"Shall we wait till everyone's here to tell them"
She giggled and said,
D"Sorry guys, you got to wait till everyone's here"
Everyone groaned as they were to excited to wait. A few minutes later I heard a key in the door, followed by Byron, Caspar, Oli, josh and mickey entering the living room. They sat down, most of them on the floor. Everyone just stared at us,
J"Guys, not everyone is here yet"
After about 15 minutes there was still no sign of our last member of the group.
M"I swear to God, I'm about to kill Neil. This waiting thing is killing me"

(Group chat)

Theghost - Neil where the fuck are you

Carrot - yeah Joanne won't tell us what happened yesterday until you get here

Joanne - I'm on my way, sorry guys had to pick up something on the way there

Ginger - oooo what is it

Joanne - no can do Stace I am not aloud to say anything

Baby - your just as bad as Joanne

(Back to real life)

After a few minutes the door opened and Neil walked in,
N"sorry guys I'm late. Hay Joe where do you ya know"
J"In the wardrobe"
Neil walked out and then came back into the room and sat down. All eyes turned to me and Dianne.
Dianne stood up and grabbed hold of stacey and Lauren she dragged them out of the room and upstairs to which I assumed would be my bedroom. I heard the door shut, it was just the guys downstairs I explained everything not missing a single detail.


I couldn't contain my excitement anymore, I pulled the girls upstairs into joes room. As soon as the door closes I turned to them and saw them sat on the bed,
S"What happened"
I explained everything not missing a single detail, when it got to the part where he gave me the promise ring I stopped talking. I started fiddling with the ring and they both noticed straight away.
S"Di, that's gorgeous"
L"Where did you get it"
D"Joe gave it to me last night, it's a promise ring"
I explained the rest of the date up until when we fell asleep. By the end of it the three of us were laying on the floor looking up to the ceiling. We had a group hug,
L"I'm so happy for you Dianne"
S"Me to, I've never seen Joe like this. Ever." I felt my cheeks burning and a massive smile sread across my face.
S"You've changed him di"
After a few more minutes of talking we decided to go back downstairs, hoping that Joe had already told all the boys as I knew if I explained it again I would probably cry. I walked into the living room and all eyes turned to me.
C"Well then, you gunna show us"
I knew what they was referring to, I ran over to them and sat in the circle they had made on the floor. I put my hand into the middle of the circle and all the boys stared at the ring.
B"It's beautiful, Joe you did well"
J"Thanks guys"
D"Come on then let's get these games started"
We played loads of games like 7 seconds, a variety a different card games, until we finally decided to play never have I ever but without the alcohol. If we did do it we were going to drink some water, as we all wanted to remember this night. We was playing for a while until Caspar decided to ask the question that everyone was thinking but no one wanted to say it,
C"Never have I ever lost my virginity"
Out of our group the only people who took a sip of water was me and Dianne. We both looked at each other and burst into laughter before a blush appeared on both our cheeks.
Stacey"When, how, where"
Neil"Joanne I swear to God tell us"
Joe"It was a few weeks ago, it happened here, and I don't really know how it just happened I guess"
Dianne"Anyway Byron it's your turn"
Byron"Never have I ever kissed someone"
Me, Dianne, Byron, Lauren, and AJ took a sip of water.
Lauren and AJ glanced at each other very quickly before looking back into the center.
Mickey"Ok Byron, when"
Byron"Back in South Africa, when I visited in the summer holidays I met a girl. We keep in touch but nothings probably gunna happen"
Joe"Lauren, AJ spill. I saw the quick glance you two shared"
Both Lauren and AJ looked down and then at each other,
Lauren"You wanna tell them"
Aj"Ok, umm everyone Lauren and I are dating"
Kevin"Since when"
Lauren"2 weeks ago"
Connor"Why didn't you tell us"
Dianne"I fucking knew it"
Dianne"AJ looks at Lauren the same way Joe looks at me"
AJ, Lauren, and Joe all blushed heavily,
Stacey"This is so not fair, now I'm the only single girl in the group"
Dianne"Stace think of it this way, one word. Gossip"
Stacey"FUCK YES"
everyone burst into laughter.
After a few more rounds we decided to play truth or dare.
"Josh truth or dare"
"Chug a pint of water"


Joe went to the kitchen and got one of the pint glasses and filled it with water, everyone went into the kitchen whilst Josh completed his dare. We then went back into the living room and took our seats again.
We had a few rounds until it got to Joe turn, which I already knew if he picked dare it would probably involve me to.
"Joe truth or dare"
"Seven minutes in heaven with Dianne"
"I knew it"
"Knew what"
"That the dare would involve me, you guys are creeps" I said whilst trying to hold in my laughter.
Joe grabbed my hand and took me upstairs to his room....


Lil cliff hanger for you, this chapter will be continued onto next chapter as it's already over 1200 words.



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