Chapter 22 - Interrogation

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I was absolutely enraged by the conversation that had occurred in the kitchen. Who did she think she was, saying things like that to me? Demanding to know my true name and dismissing me when I wouldn't divulge it to her. It was if she was hell bent on viewing the fact that I had to keep my identity secret as in some way disrespecting her. It had made absolutely no sense.

"Tread lightly, son. Find your opening... I'm certain if you approach things carefully you will find you aren't the only one feeling a flood of emotions from this..."

I had planned to gauge her feelings about the kiss at Watari's urging. It made sense to see if she was in disagreement about it just being a ploy to keep Hargrove away. That fact would provide me with crucial information, crucial information that I could then utilize. Instead, she had agreed with my words, then had become quite ill-tempered. It was completely incongruent behavior and her last volley in my direction had hurt me more than I cared to express.

"I did without you for years, I'm sure I will manage!"

Blast. I thought we had made progress. We were friends. I sought something more, something greater, but knew it might never happen. It had seemed as time had went on, our friendship had grown so much that both of us were afraid to disrupt it. Even if what arose from its ashes could be awe-inspiring. If we only gave it a chance instead of having hurtful rows about not knowing the name of who you shared your first kiss with. Why would that matter if every kiss afterwards was with the same person?

And furthermore, she had been the one to kiss me! I would never have been so bold even if I had longed for such a moment for years. Even those few times I had caught her fast asleep in the great room or curled up in the chair in Headquarters in the last months, I would not have even dared to try. But of course she didn't know that. All she knew was that I wouldn't give her my name and so I was the lowest of the low in her eyes. Typical.

I heard a knock on the door of the study where I had sequestered myself for the last few hours. It wasn't her, I knew that. She was far too proud and irrationally angry to cool off that quickly. "What is it?" I demanded testily, interruption the last thing I wanted in my misery and confusion.

The door opened slightly and Liam, Anne's boyfriend, stood there, his eyes wide. "Er, hey mate. You said you wanted to have a word but if this is a bad time..."

Right. The inquisition. I had forgotten completely. Well, it was now or never. "No, it's not. Come in and shut the door. We have much to discuss."

I watched a flicker of nervousness appear in his eyes before he did as I asked and took a seat in front of Watari's desk, which I stood behind.  Despite of how frustrated I was with Grace, Anne was worth performing my best work. If I intimidated the hell out of this man that I could not help.

"So...Liam," I began coolly. "What makes you at all deserving of Anne?"

I swore I heard him swallow hard and he gave me a shaky smile. "Er, bringing out the big guns early, aren't we?"

I should have assumed this jovial person would utilize humor to diffuse the tension. As likeable as I had already found him to be, I could not be swayed. And with my temper where it was presently, that would not be difficult. Instead I waited for an answer, keeping my eyes fixed on his. Most people hated silence and did their best to fill it, even by supplying information just to fill the air. Liam fell firmly into this camp.

"Well, I eh...teach at the local university..."

"The University of North London," I answered calmly. "With possible tenure in the art history department within the year. All evaluations satisfactory."

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